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Chitchat Singapore lucky its Muslim religious teachers preach love: Masagos


Malay land seized and malay communities dispersed and zero malay majority constituency. So no voice in parliament. Only chin chongs.

question is why indonesia is so lousy?

if not indon are dumber than tiongs and ceca

what explanation is there for indon lousiness?

tiongs ceca both got nukes icbm
space programme
aircraft carrier
nuke powered submarine
their researchers workers professionals all over the world
dominating many top positions in industry academia politics even.

why indon with 4th largest popn in world is missing?

I think ASEAN natives dun have much talent

whether indon malay pinoy viet thai burmese cambodia lao brunei etc

just haven't got talent

much smaller countries, much poorer countries have fared much better

yet indon with all the resources have little to show for all the supposed 'windfalls' of secularism, aligning with kuffar West, having illicit ties with Zionists behind curtains, and selling their women to kafir men for pittance.


Married man having a mistress = extra marital affair
m&d fucking his dotter = muslim affair

Liu adored incest so much that he summoned his aunt Liu Yingmei into the palace to satisfy his sexual desires, and he then killed Yingmei's husband He Mai who couldn't stand the humiliation and conspired to overthrow him. Liu also kept overt incestuous relationship with his sister Liu Chuyu in the palace, When Chuyu complained it's unfair that Liu had so many concubines but she only had one husband, Liu selected several dozens of handsome men as her lovers.

What was more despicable: Liu ordered the consorts and princesses to have group sex publicly with his attendants in the palace and even forced the concubines to have sexual intercourse with animals. Those that dared to disobey were killed on site.

stinky chink incest

stinky chink inbreeding

stinkypura chink incest

stinkypura chink inbreeding

stinkypura chinese incest

stinkypura chinese inbreeding


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The French teacher received a medal for not giving in to islamic mob bullying and for getting killed by a moslem. Why doesn't he deserve the medal?

He doesn't deserve any medal for the grave crime of insulting the greatest man ever and greatest Prophet (PBUH) ever.

A criminal, a bandit, a dacoit, a thief, a gangster, an alcoholic, a pig eater, a drunkard, a mass-murderer, a yankee military-terrorist, zionists, slanty pork trotter suckers, illicit & harmful drug dealers, scammers, swindlers, fraudsters should receive no mercy


Liu adored incest so much that he summoned his aunt Liu Yingmei into the palace to satisfy his sexual desires, and he then killed Yingmei's husband He Mai who couldn't stand the humiliation and conspired to overthrow him. Liu also kept overt incestuous relationship with his sister Liu Chuyu in the palace, When Chuyu complained it's unfair that Liu had so many concubines but she only had one husband, Liu selected several dozens of handsome men as her lovers.

What was more despicable: Liu ordered the consorts and princesses to have group sex publicly with his attendants in the palace and even forced the concubines to have sexual intercourse with animals. Those that dared to disobey were killed on site.

stinky chink incest

stinky chink inbreeding

stinkypura chink incest

stinkypura chink inbreeding

stinkypura chinese incest

stinkypura chinese inbreeding


helpful keywords for future ref
Wow, didn't know u are so good in writing stories!
It's good for your incestuous mind...

A Singaporean

Liu adored incest so much that he summoned his aunt Liu Yingmei into the palace to satisfy his sexual desires, and he then killed Yingmei's husband He Mai who couldn't stand the humiliation and conspired to overthrow him. Liu also kept overt incestuous relationship with his sister Liu Chuyu in the palace, When Chuyu complained it's unfair that Liu had so many concubines but she only had one husband, Liu selected several dozens of handsome men as her lovers.

What was more despicable: Liu ordered the consorts and princesses to have group sex publicly with his attendants in the palace and even forced the concubines to have sexual intercourse with animals. Those that dared to disobey were killed on site.

stinky chink incest

stinky chink inbreeding

stinkypura chink incest

stinkypura chink inbreeding

stinkypura chinese incest

stinkypura chinese inbreeding


helpful keywords for future ref


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's not really Islam, but the Malays are by nature simple and loving people. They know much about the art of love. :wink:



He doesn't deserve any medal for the grave crime of insulting the greatest man ever and greatest Prophet (PBUH) ever.

A criminal, a bandit, a dacoit, a thief, a gangster, an alcoholic, a pig eater, a drunkard, a mass-murderer, a yankee military-terrorist, zionists, slanty pork trotter suckers, illicit & harmful drug dealers, scammers, swindlers, fraudsters should receive no mercy
I pity your parents for doing a terrible job bringing u up....


Alfrescian (Inf)
Malays are best if they have no religion,. No need to lie and be hypocrites and Look pious.

Malays did not tell u they are pious. Its u who judge the book by its cover. How they dressed or pray are for the Creator.
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Please do not misquote the Dalai Lama. I am quite certain he did not say those words.

"The dalai lama believes the way to end terrorism is for everyone to become muslim"
Dalai Lama did not say those words, but the deep sarcasm in it's true even though it was fabricated, when no infidel left for muslim to kill, terrorism will end. Google cannot find anything from DL's mouth in mainstream news sites but I believe they can be found in many islamic websites as muslims are notorious for fabrications. The closer you can find of what DL says that would delight muslims is this: https://economictimes.indiatimes.co...-dalai-lama/articleshow/57964253.cms?from=mdr



Malays did not tell u they are pious. Its u who judge the book by its cover. How they dressed or pray are for the Creator.
They wear their religion like an accessory, behind closed doors - it's a different story. As long as they remain a moslem and in that particular community/culture/habits/practice, they will always view non-believers as 'below their rank.' With a God that incites fear, jealousy and violence, their hearts are empty and black.
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"The dalai lama believes the way to end terrorism is for everyone to become muslim"

The Dalai Lama is himself a fraud....
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They wear their religion like an accessory, behind closed doors - it's a different story. As long as they remain a moslem and in that particular community/culture/habits/practice, they will always view non-believers as 'below their rank.' With a God that incites fear, jealousy and violence, their hearts are empty and black.
Why are these mudslimes view of God soo different from the Christian view of God? Mudslimes view seems to be similar to Jewish views during Jesus time. Could it be because the mudslime view of God was stolen from the Jews? Or is it the Mudslimes worship a different 'God' or a false 'God'?

syed putra

They wear their religion like an accessory, behind closed doors - it's a different story. As long as they remain a moslem and in that particular community/culture/habits/practice, they will always view non-believers as 'below their rank.' With a God that incites fear, jealousy and violence, their hearts are empty and black.
The message as i understand it, did not incite jealousy, or violence.it tells you to stay away from religion( idol worship). Once you are not a idol worshippers, you feel liberated and have no animosity against anyone, except maybe those who are evil, tyrant.


Why are these mudslimes view of God soo different from the Christian view of God? Mudslimes view seems to be similar to Jewish views during Jesus time. Could it be because the mudslime view of God was stolen from the Jews? Or is it the Mudslimes worship a different 'God' or a false 'God'?
It is copied from Jews/Christians and twisted to fit the whims of it's creator - an Arab womaniser that bulldozed through a 9-yr old bride-child as one of his many wives.