The presence of cheap foreign labour is disincentivising the need for companies to come up with other, usually much more expensive ways, to improve productivity. After all, why should they invest in million dollar technologies that most developed countries have already taken up, when they can still continue using third world methods, utilising third world labour, paid at a substandard first world rate. Unproductive Singaporeans is just a cheap excuse for companies, especially a good many SMEs, to pressure the government into bringing more cheap labour in, or these companies will suffer and might go bust, which clearly shows that Singaporeans are not the unproductive ones, the culprits are the companies. There is no doubt Singaporean workers have a part to play too, but considering many companies are actually encouraging workers to take on more work, and many workers are actively doing so. It is not uncommon to find workers in Singapore doing the work that takes two or three people in most countries, furthermore, Singaporeans work the most hours in the world, do they need to work in their sleep before it satisfies people who think they should still put in more effort?
That said, we are in this situation because our unions and government have been highlighting productivity for years, yet they pay lip service in protecting the welfare of the local worker. Work life balance is practically non-existent in some situations employees face, yet it its merely encouraged, not enforced, that companies should give workers better working condition. In these days of rapid globalisation, it will be unfair to expect Singapore will not change because of it. Like most countries, we have opened our doors to foreigners, but unlike most countries, our government have embraced them as a faux pas economic driver. The United Kingdoms is bitching about the foreigners because they brought in 2.5 million over the last ten years or so, and now foreign-born make up 11.3% of the population. In Singapore, our tiny island brought in 2 million foreigners over a similar period, and now the foreign born make up a whopping, 52.3% of the population. Oh sure, the majority of our foreign born population is from Malaysia, guess what, their biggest group of immigrants in UK come from the Republic of Ireland. To top it off, I would like to highlight that in 2011, based on (, 26% of Singaporeans who pay CPF earn less than $1500, 37% earn less than $2000, and 64% earn less than $3500. It's clear that a large proportion of the Singaporean workers are being taken advantage of, and held hostage to low wages by an influx of foreign workers. The artificial deflation of the Singaporean worker's wage has to end, but sadly I do not see this happening under our current ruling party nor when there is still skewered to the rich initiatives such as tripartism.
One of the best elaboration of the situation in Singapore ever on this forum. Great job, bro Poomer. People like Leongsam should read this 1000 times to get into their thick head what and how S'poreans are suffering, rather than based on some airy fairy theory.