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Singapore appointed 2 idiots to lead the task force.


Lawrence gives heartfelt thanks. :notworthy::inlove::tongue:

Lawrence Wong

Heartfelt thanks to our unsung heroes at SMRT and Land Transport Authority. You have all worked so hard behind the scenes to safely restore train services, and to assist commuters on their journeys. We are grateful for your dedication and service.
: [1] The Straits Times Photo by Jason Quah, [2] FB / Land Transport Authority, [3 and 4] FB / SMRT)



Lawrence will continue to uphold the highest standards of integrity and propriety. :cool:

Lawrence Wong

1h ·
Mr Iswaran has been sentenced to 12 months of imprisonment.
Our system of government and politics must always stay clean and free from corruption.
My team and I will continue to uphold the highest standards of integrity and propriety. The integrity of the Singapore system and tone of our society depends on the senior political leadership remaining clean and incorruptible, and unflinching in acting against corruption wherever it is discovered.
Read my statement here:
Statement by PM Lawrence Wong on the Sentencing of Mr S Iswaran

Statement by PM Lawrence Wong on the Sentencing of Mr S Iswaran
Statement by Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong on the sentencing of Mr S Iswaran on 3 October 2024.