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Singapore appointed 2 idiots to lead the task force.


Lawrence has some thoughts. :cool:

Lawrence Wong

My thoughts on what success means for us as a people. Let us refresh and redefine our Singapore Dream, creating our own unique and splendid versions of the Singapore Story.
Together, let's take Singapore Forward into a brighter future.
Catch the full video here:


Lawrence paid his last respects to former Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Mr Mohamad Maidin Packer Mohd this morning. :frown:

Lawrence Wong

6h ·
Paid my last respects to former Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Mr Mohamad Maidin Packer Mohd this morning. He had served as a Member of Parliament for Aljunied GRC and Marine Parade GRC from 1991 to 2006.
Many in the Malay/Muslim community know of Encik Maidin, and his dedication and passion for the community. His deep ties to the community dates back to his time as Assistant Editor of Berita Harian and Berita Minggu, and continued after he joined politics.
Encik Maidin made invaluable contributions across various ministries - Information and the Arts, Education, Home Affairs and the Environment. He helmed the Bulan Bahasa (Malay Language Month) in the 90s and played a key role in the rejuvenation of Geylang Serai. His pioneering efforts ensured that Geylang Serai remains a thriving hub for the Malay/Muslim community, and also laid the foundations for our plans for the upcoming Geylang Serai Cultural Belt. More recently, he has continued to stay active in promoting and preserving the rich cultural heritage of the Malay community.
We have lost a key leader in the Malay/Muslim community. His many contributions to Singapore will be cherished and remembered. My thoughts are with the family of the late Encik Maidin.
: Facebook/Maidin Packer)
May be a black-and-white image of 1 person



Lawrence spent a delightful afternoon getting to know pets. :tongue:

Lawrence Wong

Spent a delightful afternoon yesterday at Our Limbang Pets’ Day, connected with residents and got to know their furry companions!

It was heartwarming to see families out with their kids and fur kids as well as the wonderful bond between our community and their pets.



Lawrence hopes everyone had a good break. :thumbsup:

Lawrence Wong

Back to school today. Hope everyone had a good break!
To all our students: continue to work hard and excel in all that you do. Make the most of the learning opportunities you have in school. Your teachers are here to nurture and support you, and help you realise your full potential!
: MCI Photo by Ngau Kai Yan at Waterway Primary School - Jan 2024)



Lawrence announces CDC vouchers. :biggrin:

Lawrence Wong

Every Singaporean household will receive $300 in CDC Vouchers today!
The vouchers are part of the enhanced Assurance Package which I announced in the Budget. There are other measures in the Package, and they will be progressively rolled out over the coming months.
These are concrete actions we are taking to help Singaporean households cope with higher prices and cost of living pressures.
Ministry of Finance (Singapore)



Lawrence was happy to speak at the FATF plenary. :smile:

Lawrence Wong

Yesterday at 00:12 ·
Delegates from about 70 countries are in Singapore for the plenary of the Financial Action Taskforce (FATF), to discuss how to work together to combat money laundering, terrorism financing, and proliferation financing. FATF plays an important role in coordinating and mobilising global efforts to counter these threats that affect all countries.
I was happy to speak at the FATF plenary this morning, on how the advent of virtual assets and increasing availability of digital payment channels have made it easier for criminals to hide and move their proceeds, and what we can do to stop them. As an international financial and business hub, Singapore faces greater money laundering and terrorism financing risks. But we are determined to do what is needed to respond to these risks and safeguard Singapore’s reputation as a trusted financial centre.
Over the past 2 years, FATF has been led by a Singaporean, Mr T Raja Kumar. I’m proud that we have another Singaporean leading an important international organisation. Under his presidency, FATF has made progress in improving the interception of illicit funds, improving transparency of legal entities that can be as fronts by criminals, and identified ways to break down information silos between law enforcement agencies and financial institutions. Well done Raja!
: MCI Photo by Betty Chua)
May be an image of 7 people, dais and text


Lawrence looks forward to more win-win projects with Malaysia. :thumbsup:

Lawrence Wong

7h ·
Today, we celebrate the centennial of the causeway! For the past 100 years, this has served as a link between our two peoples.
I look forward to strengthening the links and our relationship for the next 100 years. Singapore and Malaysia are working on projects in many areas — health, education, culture and trade, and in emerging areas like digital economy and renewable energy.
Look forward to more win-win projects with Malaysia.
: Photo from National Archives of Singapore)



Lawrence wants to build on our strengths and develop more imaginative projects. :wink:

Lawrence Wong

20h ·
We have come a long way in developing Singapore as a tourist destination. It took decades of hard work and careful planning to build what we have today.
This remarkable transformation could not have happened without the dedication of our Singapore Tourism Board officers and pioneers (like Mrs Pamelia Lee who received a lifetime achievement award today), as well as partners in the tourism industry - thank you for your efforts and contributions!
We will continue to build on our strengths and develop more imaginative projects, which tell our Singapore Story in an authentic and appealing way. Most of all, we can do all our part as tourism ambassadors - to welcome our visitors with warmth and hospitality, so that they have unforgettable experiences here!
: MCI Photos by Ngau Kai Yan)



Lawrence bumped into students. :o-o::confused::laugh:

Lawrence Wong

Bumped into students from Kranji Secondary School recently at Our Limbang Pets’ Day. These passionate students were on their leadership community project to share about animal welfare.
Always happy to see our youth contributing to the community — through school projects, volunteering in the neighbourhood, or supporting the more vulnerable amongst us. Your efforts help to build a stronger and more caring society.
Happy Youth Day!
