now that's a thought... you could be right! light takes 8 minutes to travel from the surface of the sun to earth; the moment we think about the sun, our thoughts can conjure the image of the sun in less than a fraction of a second.
actually this is similar to the schrodinger's cat issue.
a drawer has 4 socks 2 green 2 red. Person A blindfold himself and draw 2 socks randomly, person B perform the same act as well. person B travel to another universe far away.
Question: what is the colour of the sock on person A
Answer: rr, rg and gg (similar to wave function)
Question: what is the colour of the sock on person B
Answer: rr, rg and gg (similar to wave function)
now situation change person B check that his socks is gg, so what is the colour of the sock of person A
Ans: rr (collapsed of wave function)
so the colour of the socks on A depends on B which is at another universe does he check the colour of the socks a not. if he never look at it, the colour of the socks are rr, rg and gg just like the cat situation, both dead and alive LOL
the moment someone check the colour of the socks, the colour of the socks become fix. information is indeed travelling faster than time.