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[Sg] Ex-gangster Simonboy Surprises Wife Simongirl With S$60K Jaguar, Threatens to Wash the Mouths of Haters Who Say He Laundered Money To Pay For It

Scrooball (clone)

OH, so it is disapproval...

But while reading the thread, how come flaccids here even go to the extend of checking out the price of the car that the crass look bought and then remark salty comments on how lousy or stupid the decision he is making of buying that car.

If he buy a "better" luxury car, then the salty remark is erased because it is very approved by you?

So the buying of car using his own money cannot be approved by the crass look ah Beng and has to be approved by you.

Please educate me further, I am a little confused now.
Out of curiosity, are you retarded or is that part of the ‘high frequency’ package ? Notice how I added the ‘out of curiosity’ at the front to mask my true intentions of ridiculing you , just like what u did?


Out of curiosity, are you retarded or is that part of the ‘high frequency’ package ? Notice how I added the ‘out of curiosity’ at the front to mask my true intentions of ridiculing you , just like what u did?
You didn't answer my question on being educated on the low frequency behaviour. Is ok then, can be difficult for some.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
I am trying to understand the salty behaviour of the flaccid here.

Is it because that he got the crass or ah Beng look and yet being successful and manhood enough to married a pussy.

But for the flaccid here, who dun have the crass look and consider look much better but cannot match up to him with the money to buy a vehicle and too flaccid to have a pussy. So the venting and resentment and jealousy come flowing out.

This crass look ah Beng who is successful and his success make the flaccids here look very inadequate and useless.
He’s not successful la
No one is jealous of him. He’s an irritant pest like an annoying housefly buzzing around.
And I’m frustrated majority dun see him as a housefly like I do. Can’t be helped and the more ‘successful’ he becomes the more he’ll be around and create more vomit inducing content.
He’s just like a celebrity or actor or entertainer, footballer or whatever public person one dislike though he’s not of that status.


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
We are just upset that he did not study hard and broke the law multiple times but now has a stream of effortless income and a gong cb spreading her legs for him.


He’s not successful la
No one is jealous of him. He’s an irritant pest like an annoying housefly buzzing around.
And I’m frustrated majority dun see him as a housefly like I do. Can’t be helped and the more ‘successful’ he becomes the more he’ll be around and create more vomit inducing content.
He’s just like a celebrity or actor or entertainer, footballer or whatever public person one dislike though he’s not of that status.
He is.. Sinkie media loves him. He is also highly admired to for his good business acumen by opening funeral service knowing that dumbfucked sinkies are dropping dead from the vaccine.
