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[Sg] Ex-gangster Simonboy Surprises Wife Simongirl With S$60K Jaguar, Threatens to Wash the Mouths of Haters Who Say He Laundered Money To Pay For It


Stupid move. There is a reason why COE Jags are co cheap, because the parts are so bloody expensive with high maintenance & repair costs.

This farker too show off already without much substance. They way he talks is also cringeworthy.
It is obvious he is capitalizing on his apparent popularity to make money.

But there is a high chance he will soon become bankrupt. 出来混,迟早要还的。

Let's see whether his wife is going to stick by his side, LOL.
Most likely he will go back to jail


FYI he’s not ex gangster gangster in that sense. He’s a druggie and even gangsters dun like druggies. In the SS hierarchy those who take drugs are the lowest rung coz they are not trustworthy
peh hoon kias are often used as pawns to draw out the enemies. If I know there are these useless fuckers in the midst of my enemies, I would seek them out and enslave them. It’s not new. That’s how the British fucked middle Kingdom and enslaved tiongs to opium
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Most likely he will go back to jail

LOL. Ask yourself honestly, who the fark would want to deal with somebody, former drug addict (of 16 years) with tattoos all over his body, covering arms til the neck up til the chin? Unless of course the other party is of the same kind, LOL.

This farker is also likely a gang member at some point else who the fark would put this kind of SS kind of tattoos all over their body unless they want to intimidate others like a hooligan?

A leopard will never change its spots one la. In fact see his ranjiao bin and whole hooligan demeanor already damn disgusting and you can't blame others for wishing such people should just die getting chopped on the streets before the police sets up a blue tent, LOL.

If he wants to be SS gang fighter, he should die honorably as one, either getting hacked to death, tio death penalty or life imprisonment, why the fark is he trying to act civilized now, trying to 'blend in' and yet forcing others to accept him with all his irritating ranjiao antics and yet blame and claim that others are 'jealous' of him?

How can such disgusting creatures be allowed to be successful and rich? It is just plain disgusting, weird and unfair to normal civilized hardworking folks who spend so many torturous years studying and learning professional skills just to make a living.

The whole society will never accept such people one la NBCB. People see him already damn dulan and polite on the surface to pity him only but inwardly all will mostly curse him to die a terrible death, period, LOL.



Screenshot 2024-10-21 205905.png
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he was a fucking gangster who took drugs. Let's not prevaricate, call cheebai a cheebai. otherwise, why use ink to tattoo both his fucking arms. He is hiding all kinds of gang insignias.


< https://www.asiaone.com/lifestyle/y...nboy-surprises-wife-simongirl-jaguar-car-gift

According to car listing site Sgcarmart, this Jaguar model is no longer for sale by the local distributor, with the last recorded price a whopping $280,999.

Simonboy bought his for "about $60,000", he told AsiaOne.>

$280k car selling for only $60k. Deal of the century?! Lol

Very deceptive and misleading article which purposely omits details.

This Jaguar XE model's last brand new price of $280K is correct in Mar 2022 due to high COE/OMV and new ARF regime which kicks on Feb 2022 (see listing below) but this model only runs from 2015-2022, hence no longer in production.

So this CBKia one is likely used 2017 model with only less than 3 yrs COE left, hence only about $60K which is the current market rate:

A spray paint workshop owner at Bukit Merah lane once told me Jaguar cars cannot buy one and he regretted buying a used one as the moment he bought the cars start to give him headaches and end up have to fork out $45K in repairs, LOL.



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Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
This chap another vomit inducing farker
Their content is not even interesting or entertaining? It’s it a lot of their beng and lian followers see themselves in them? Hope to ‘make good’ like them so they mutual support each other?

One more I just think of. This lian that always post her beng father. Totally boliao the family live in landed seems well off doing some beng business. I guess it’s this type of people 15 minutes of fame.


Z consciousnesses
Very deceptive and misleading article which purposely omits details.

This Jaguar XE model's last brand new price of $280K is correct in Mar 2022 due to high COE/OMV and new ARF regime which kicks on Feb 2022 (see listing below) but this model only runs from 2015-2022, hence no longer in production.

So this CBKia one is likely used 2017 model with only less than 3 yrs COE left, hence only about $60K which is the current market rate:

A spray paint workshop owner at Bukit Merah lane once told me Jaguar cars cannot buy one and he regretted buying a used one as the moment he bought the cars start to give him headaches and end up have to fork out $45K in repairs, LOL.

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View attachment 208413

ah Beng said this 杀车


If cannot afford a brand new jaguar but how lien with $60k….stick to just buying a 6 year old COE certificate to renew your old car.

Scrooball (clone)

This thread is very low in frequency. Why so salty about a guy who buy a car for his wife? Anything wrong with it?
Buy car for wife but must tell the whole world? Lol

Content creation my friend. That’s the bane of any influencer. Their mind is always calculating how to capture or film content that will give them engagements on social medial which translates to dollars from advertisers.


Buy car for wife but must tell the whole world? Lol

Content creation my friend. That’s the bane of any influencer. Their mind is always calculating how to capture or film content that will give them engagements on social medial which translates to dollars from advertisers.
He tell the whole world but why go salty about it. That is his business. I am actually quite OK about it. That is his life.


He tell the whole world but why go salty about it. That is his business. I am actually quite OK about it. That is his life.

Salty for a $60K car? WTF is $60K in today's context? He could be buying her a toy car for all we care.

If you are ok with it, fine and please knock yourself out.

Obviously can see almost everyone in this forum and elsewhere find it obnoxious and unacceptable.

Main reason is him and his demeanor, nothing to do with being salty or the car purchase.

The look of his fark face with tattoos and his hooligan, suaku, crude and haolian way of speaking already make one dulan all want to fark him upside down.