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[Sg] Ex-gangster Simonboy Surprises Wife Simongirl With S$60K Jaguar, Threatens to Wash the Mouths of Haters Who Say He Laundered Money To Pay For It


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Coolie genes Sinkies who received some windfall and then splurge their newfound fortune on depreciating assets like luxury cars will likely to lose it all later on.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
give your wife a present must make a video?
showing off to the max and super cringy...

Friend of PAP indeed


I dun like Mark Lee but would say mark lee is better

Actually Mark Lee not that bad. I once met him at Thomson Plaza and he accidentally kicked onto my chair. He apologized profusely and we chatted for a while. I told him on his face that many people felt that he's an asshole. He jokingly said it can't be helped as his mother gave birth to him with a lao lan fuck face. What to do?


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
I wonder at night when all is quiet and his wife is asleep, he will think of his daughter who was brutally murdered by his ex wife and her bf.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
good gauge of the IQ of the general population......ex gangster....lol
why the fuck am i even commenting about this crap?...haha
FYI he’s not ex gangster gangster in that sense. He’s a druggie and even gangsters dun like druggies. In the SS hierarchy those who take drugs are the lowest rung coz they are not trustworthy


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
According to @ginfreely , people just sharing their success stories. Pls don’t be jealous. You never work hard and pls don’t blame successful people
apologies if this sounds crass
but when and if he announces preganncy of this new wife.
is there gonna be a video to show how the kid was made?


Old Fart
No resale value. It's dirt cheap in used car market. Problem everywhere. Expensive to maintain. Just like land/ range rover. You can get into the jungle. But you won't make it out!
No one buys a Jaguar these days. It's owned by shitskin Tata Motors. They make shit cars for low IQ people.

Scrooball (clone)

I was thinking I can’t even recall the last time I see a Jaguar on the roads. Wtf… a new Toyota might make more sense at least can drive 10 years