I tot i the only one kenna this type of treatment by govt doctors. I even kenna two times, those motherfarker govt doctors think everyone in NSF only know to keng.
first time, i on block leave, kenna cough two weeks oredy so go polyclinic in the afternoon to get some better quality medicine than army issue. Everything was fine, the lady doc advise better take xray since cough so long, then she ask what was i doing. i reply NSF. Then she ask where, Tekong i replied(on attachment). suddenly she turn nasty and asked why hair still so long. at first i a bit blur, then it dawned on me that she tot i recruit. Why neber report sick? why this why that.... i sibeh toolan, i said doc, i only want some better quality medicine and i am on leave so i not wanting any MC in the first place and walked out of the consultation room.
then still at tekong attachment, kenna high fever, 40 degree so kenna sickbay "tiao shui". afternoon MO examined again, fever still high so medievac out of the island to changi hospital. That time i in PT kit, lucky got bring wallet, was sent to CGH via CO personal boat then SAF ambulance to CGH. the medic register me as per normal, but due to fever and lack of warm clothing, i suffer shivering in the aircon A&E. waited one hr plus, finally see the doc. The farker face black black, and jam the thermometer into my ear without saying a word. The readout show 38+ and he beri behsong and shouted where got high fever. KNN, i medievac by the MO, CGH doc not happy can call back camp. The doc then fark the accompanying medic and ordered the medic to send me back camp. It abt to 1900hrs liao, where got bumboat back to tekong. then find a public telephone (those day HP very expensive) and call coyline. CSM more reasonable, tell me to go home see GP then call back to inform on MC status. lucky i hold on to the wallet, so can take bus from CGH back home to see neighbourhood GP. the ah pek GP told me because i kenna dripped two packet water and the aircon cause my core temperature to drop. When GP examined, i went up 39+ again. Give me antibodies, fever medicine plus three days MC. CSM very good, said i just stay home till MC finish then return, no need to endorse MC. Too bad that time i fever till blur blur, if not i will take down the farker name to complain him to the hospital.