Just want to ask , you choose him to be your BF because primarily that he is rich and tons of cash to spare or
u like him a bit only , but with loads of cash, he can be a good catch. So u decide to stick with him.
Just want to help you EDIT your thinking and set your priority right. The people here are real adults. Don want to condem people. Because you have a choice of making thing right for yourself. Don blame your BF any more. He is wrong but you can make it right for you and him.
I didn't know he was rich at first, i met him when i was very naive. he was very nice to me, he was a really good friend who comforted me when my ex and i had problems. He's a very nice person in some ways, kind to family, hardworking, he's there for his friends.
The thing about him having money is that it doesn't mean that much to me. he knows that. in fact it makes me feel inferior, this part i've not really told him in detail. i feel that i cannot measure up to that level of success and i don't want a hubby who i am much unequal to.
A family friend married a rich guy who conked off at 39 and she had to bring up 5 kids after being a tai-tai for 10 years. She had no skills and the kids had a terrible time coz the business failed without her hubby. I don't want that to happen to me.
Also, given that his background is different, he doesn't understand what it's like to grow up not having money. Sometimes, he really isn't sensitive to such things, not that he has a bad heart.
Say i fell down and he asked me to see a doctor. I was being silly and trying to save money, but seriously, i didn't want to spend $30-50 for bandages, dressing and ointment. I can eat at home for a week on this money. A trip a FL easily is twice of that, but this guy never bothered when I told him I wouldn't see a doctor. At time that, we were on a break, but still, don't you think he's very heartless?
My family beats me sometimes and he just told me to move out but i just cannot imagine spending a few hundred a month on rent. And he didn't bother asking me why that happened. I think he didn't want to be responsible for me. In the end, I was so scared, I lived with my friends on and off. I had to switch off my phone and he got angry at that too. I had no one to turn to.
Not once did he offer to help me, AND i didn't ask anything from him either. I've never ever asked to even borrow money, much less ask for anything.
That's why I didn't pick up that he was rich, I don't judge people like that and I didn't bother to ask questions about his family, background, salary. I didn't think it would affect my opinion of him, and to this day, it doesn't matter to me, unless it helps me understand him more.
Plus I did do something wrong, I said that I despise rich people, before i knew that he was. Guess that really drove a wedge between us. I guess I should say sorry for that.
I am not really into material things that money can buy and i can afford to if i work very hard, but I don't spend my money like that. Even when I didn't see the doctor, it didn't stop me from pushing a $10 note into an old granny's hand or buying her a bowl of noodles when she shouldn't be out in the rain selling tissue.
The most beautiful things in life are not expensive. Things like a call to ask if my leg is ok, if i need to see a doctor for my chest pains because i've been working too hard.
To my credit, i've never ever once asked him for something he cannot give, not more of his time, not more of his love and not a single cent of his money.
If I don't believe in spoiling my kids with expensive toys, what else can I spend his supposed money on? On LV? On Gucci? To show off? I think he knows I'm not like that. My closest friends are all modest people.
I don't think there's another girl in sinkieland like me, but look-wise I am common. Maybe that's why he doesn't cherish me. My looks cannot be compared to FLs at all.
I'm not that great anyway, so it's not like he can't get girls better than me in ways he feels are important to be good at.
If he's reading this right now, I hope he donates some money to the Buddhist Lodge so that old folks can have a better free meals instead of whoring away the dough.
I think he has his own issues and it takes two to make something work.
It's just that... I think it's touching that people have emotions for each other, shared feelings, experiences, memories. Things to cherish, things which are free. Don't know why but i'm crying as I type this... how much does watching a sunset cost anyway? He thinks i'm a romantic while he's a cynic.
At the end of the day, will he take the bus with me? Do you guys know what I mean? I'm the only girl in his life who will take a bus with him when he is ever broke, but does he want a girl like that? I don't think he will take the bus ever.
Think i better go find downgrader. He has at least one guitar more than the sunset. :p Even if we pick up the lottery ticket and win the Toto, at least he won't be cynical and think that I'm after his money. Unless his guitar can be hawked at the pawnshop.
Anyhow, you guys can shoot questions at me. It does help me think things through.
Almost forget to thank you guys for your patience. Don't be prejudiced just coz you have abit of dough ok? Not every pretty girl need to worry that a guy cannot see her for her character.