Not only i say that. PAP knows that too. Even after being mistreated since 1967, SG men still overwhelmingly voted for the pap in 2015. Isnt that enough proof that SG men are ball less? So the pap will continue to abuse Singaporeans because they know SG men are subservient and ball less and as long as we have 50% men, PAP will not be voted out.
Didnt i tell you that the pap considered compelling SG girls to do NS when Lim Siong Guan was Hd of Civil Service in the 1980s? But the pap was alarmed that SG gals are courageous and will decisively vote against them if they are abused. Can you imagine 50% of singaporeans are like Sylvia Lim, Michelle Lee and Kirsten Han ?
I favour SG gals doing NS. Most SG guys also favour that. Can you imagine having platoon mates like Cecilia Sue, Serina Wee? But pap dare not abuse SG gals the way it does to SG men
PAP is afraid to be voted out because SG gals are not ball less like SG guys and will do the right thing if they suffer abuse