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Only 2 relatives send Lee Wei Ling to Mandai


jialat. eldest bro and sis in law don't even want to be present for their sister's funeral some more can write cock and bull story on facebook saying how the sister took care of him during his cancer days....sibei jialat...

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
jialat. eldest bro and sis in law don't even want to be present for their sister's funeral some more can write cock and bull story on facebook saying how the sister took care of him during his cancer days....sibei jialat...
60% can’t see past the hypocrisy


Alfrescian (Inf)
At least she had two and some media coveage.

Many have zero and no media coverage. And the funeral would be provided pro bono by Roland Tay's Funeral Direct.