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Wei Ling Funeral shows Pinky/Jinx still very much in power in S'pore


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
30 people attend is such a pathetic number. For someone as famous as her, there should have been hundreds. The only conclusion I can draw is that many people dare not go for fear of incurring the wrath of Jinx and Pinky. Sinkies are really cowards. Even my relatives funerals got 3 or 4 times that number. And they are nobodies in Singapore.


30 people attend is such a pathetic number. For someone as famous as her, there should have been hundreds. The only conclusion I can draw is that many people dare not go for fear of incurring the wrath of Jinx and Pinky. Sinkies are really cowards. Even my relatives funerals got 3 or 4 times that number. And they are nobodies in Singapore.

LHY did not attend even though SPF give the green light. LHL shld give the clearance.Lol