uncle, u forget that good mass display events are only good in countries that have dictatorship leadership aka one party rule where majority of the population are either brainwashed or fear the authorities. just becasue u got use to seeing it on a local context it do not mean brits general public cannot connect to the opening ceremony.
When I saw Mr Bean, I immediately knew the opening ceremony is a big joke.
You mean this tai chi demonstration from the Beijing 2008?
You're saying they're ants and is a joke? Give us a break. LOL!
LOL! Just because you can't take the truths, resort to abusing the infraction system to give me infraction.
actually enjoyed it. rate it 10 out of 10. much much better than bullshit beijing.
I thought during the industrial revolution all
Blacks and Asians were slaves and not management.
Ah so, that's deduction of reputation points because some coward gave me an infraction.
I'm trying to take a screen-shot off my TV to show the nigger fake aristocrat and those two fake negro kids in traditional aristocrat garb, with the aristocrat white mum holding their hands. LOL!!
It's probably too high-brow for the Gen Y crowd who don't appreciate the significance of what the Brits have done to shape world history regardless of how their far reaching influence is viewed
You have not been given any infraction. If you did, it would be reflected above your reputation score like this....
You mean this...
Well, in my Settings, I saw my Reputation points was 15, then after I replied to support Beijing 2008, my Reputation points went down to 11.
Since there is no icon for deducting Reputation points, I assume reputation points are deducted when infraction is given. I could be wrong, but
Infractions will not affect your rep points. Only rep deductions or additions will affect your rep points.
The rep icon is the star on the bottom left hand corner.
I have infracted you so you can experience first hand what an infraction is.
OK, got it, boss. LOL!
So, I'll need 20 power pts to see the Infraction icon and for the Reputation icon (if I tick disagree), will lower someone's reputation pts.
Takes awhile to get use to but I'll manage pretty ok right now. LOL!