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The SAF is one big fucking joke.
where can your food supplies come from? Argentina, Spain, Australia, NZ, China? How long do they take to come here? How much can we import from these countries daily? What are the means to transport them? Do you know how much food come in daily from malaysia compared to all those named countries? What if the enemy choke off our SLOCs?. Do your sums b4 you show more ignorance.
shoo CECA shitskin no go to NDP you are Indian, dark skin from India not Singapore shoo go back to India shoooo!NDP same old shit every year. Clear display of Sinkies lack of creativity.
Hope our navy has learnt the difference between turning right and left under high stress level.The indons and jiuhu moslem armies are not confident of victory against our SAF. What we lack in large scale military ops, we make up with better technology and vastly superior firepower.
The examples you listed were all small engagements, not major warfare. Our neighbours also do not have experience in military warfare beyond skirmishes with rebels equipped with small arms.
Pappy cocksuckers are commies. The commie mindset is hardwired to old ways of doing things.Your idea of warfare is totally outdated. Nowadays it is not abt military conquest. It is abt economic dominance. What is the point of having F15s and submarines when you dont have the people to hold ground. If our enemies wish, they dont even have to fire a shot or lose a life. All they need to do is deny food to singapore and Singaporeans will be brought to their knees with the F15s, F16s on the ground.
I am honestly EXTREMELY disappointed that Malaysia continued to supply SG with food and water during the pandemic lockdown. It would have been the perfect excuse to test such a deprivation strategy.As we approach National Day, the Punish All Peasants party seem to be intent on going through with some form of a NDP Mobile Column parade. Before all you S'poreans swell up with pride at the parade of tanks and weapons rolling down the street, know that all our neighbours are laughing at our stupidity. When I see all this military hardware drive by, and fighter jets and helos flying over head, I feel anger and I feel a profound sense of waste. No one has posed a military threat to us in the last 30 years. Our neighbours have not threatened us and have no intent and military means to even mount any sort of military action against us. In the midst of the Covid Pandemic, our neighbour to the North opened their border for food and supplies to come into S'pore. They could have easily closed the border and retain all food and supplies for their own citizens. Yet, we spend about $15 Billion on Defence, in the latest budget. While you admire the beauty of your weapons, consider these facts:
1) Those F-15SG you see flying overhead during NDP costs about USD$100 million each. Khoo Teck Puat hospital build about 10 years ago cost S$700 million. Even with inflation today, 8 of those planes would pay for a brand new hospital the size of KTP. And we have 40 of these planes. Do we need 40 F-15SG (when we already have the most modern F-16s in the world), or do we need 4 or 5 more KTP hospitals to combat over crowdedness and pandemics?
2) The Navy ordered 4 brand new Submarines from Germany, the top of the line for their class. Minister Ng calls them the BMWs of submarines. Well, they cost just over $5 billion. No one yet knows why we need them. MINDEATH has not explained specifically the role of these submarines. Our coastal waters are minuscule and can be protected better from air. The shipping lanes that surround us are essential trading lanes to big countries like the US and China. Any threat to these shipping lanes will bring in much bigger and more capable navies to protect it. Out 4 Submarines and the rest of our Navy does not amount to a lot when you look at the overall picture. We don't need them. For what MINDEATH paid for the submarines, the govt could have given $1 billion to every single man woman and child citizen (assume 3 million native Singaporeans) for 5 years. That's $3,333 each, to tide them over the Covid after effects. But the PAP seems to think this money is better spend on useless submarines.
3) Consider this. The SAF has the following armour vehicles. 170+ 70 tonne Leopard 2 tanks, 300 Bionix II, 435 Terrex, and around 700 M-113. That does not include the new Hunter AFV that have been ordered. This is over 1500 armour vehicles for a country which is 721 sq km. This makes S'pore the most heavily defended country in the world..........by far. With all the money spend on the army and the up keeping of related parasite organizations like DSTA, DSO, ST Engineering, etc. the govt could have provided free education every year for every Singapore child from Kindergarten up to University. Think about this, our kids would never have to pay school fees at any level of schooling, if we just took $5 billion out of the defence budget and used it for their schooling. Which is more beneficial to us? Schooling for our kids, free of financial worries, or 1500 tanks and AFVs to defend against whom we know not?
I want to remind everyone that all this money spend on defence is wasted, gone to the companies and workers of other countries who supply us with these weapons. We have not even touch on the social and economic aspects of life lost and altered due to death and injury in NS. Nor to the millions of man hours wasted every year by our NSmen and Reservists, which could have been put into the economy to produce goods and services. See this NDP for what it is. Its a complete total BS waste of our money.
They had a legitimate reason to shut off the food and water during the pandemic. See pinky and the PAP gabra like fuck. They should have done that. Mahathir is too niceI am honestly EXTREMELY disappointed that Malaysia continued to supply SG with food and water during the pandemic lockdown. It would have been the perfect excuse to test such a deprivation strategy.
m&ds are actually very friendly to sg despite the PAP propaganda.
Don't be stupid. In my time, there was still some justification. eg Vietnam war just ended and Vietnam was one of the most heavily armed country in the world after that. There was still some possibility they could roll down SE Asia and get the rest of us ala domino theory. Now, cold war is over long long ago. The Viets are busy making money hand over fist and love sinkieland. Now its a waste of resources.@Papsmearer bro! Well written.
But you are/were from the SAF yourself right? So you are saying you weren't needed? Waste of resources to have yourself?
Despite all this military spending singkieland cannot even defend its territory from a country whose military is relatively under funded.It is because of Singapore's almighty military power that none of the neighbours have dared to sabre rattle.
Without the hardware, software and the total defense strategy Singapore would be a sitting duck.
Hats off to the PAP for not being complacent.
The Malaysians fought in Kosovo with the UN peacekeeping force, and as a result of that realized they were deficient in the AFV and ordered new ones from South Korea. They also fought in Mogadishu and were actually the ones that rescued the US forces in Black Hawk down. They actually have real combat experience and use of armour in FIBUA. U look at Kee Chiu. That fucker could not lead a successful raid on a jamban.Even with the big modern toys, our NS boys would still be no match for the regular soldiers from Malaysia, Indonesia. The Malaysians have fought in Sabah in 2013, the Indons against the Aceh insurgents. What war campaigns our boys fought before apart from shooting their cums inside the condoms in those whore joints at Geylang when they book out? I bet my last dollar, our boys would lay down their arms and run away in an event of war. So there's no need to spend billions in modern warfare machines, we are still going to be defeated when the Royal Matland soldiers come to town. Even PAP cocksucker like John Tan would probably volunteer himself to be a translator for the invading Malaysian forces. LOL
Yeah. Malaysia is too niceThey had a legitimate reason to shut off the food and water during the pandemic. See pinky and the PAP gabra like fuck. They should have done that. Mahathir is too nice
If mudland don't sell food to singkieland etc it is mudlanders that sufferThey had a legitimate reason to shut off the food and water during the pandemic. See pinky and the PAP gabra like fuck. They should have done that. Mahathir is too nice
They need to justify the enormous military spending by showing the peasants what their tax dollars are buying and making them steam at the same timeNDP same old shit every year. Clear display of Sinkies lack of creativity.
They can sell within their own market and even export to other countries not called singapore. In fact, by selling to sinkies, we spoil their market as we pay more then the locals.If mudland don't sell food to singkieland etc it is mudlanders that suffer
You really believe that?If mudland don't sell food to singkieland etc it is mudlanders that suffer
Singkies can don't buy mudland vegetables. N mudland sell to who? The neighbors are all agriculture producers them selves n shipments is harder for other countries so mudlanders sell to who? Their domestic market big enough?They can sell within their own market and even export to other countries not called singapore. In fact, by selling to sinkies, we spoil their market as we pay more then the locals.
When there is pandemic, there is panic buying. For sure they can sell everything to their own market.Singkies can don't buy mudland vegetables. N mudland sell to who? The neighbors are all agriculture producers them selves n shipments is harder for other countries so mudlanders sell to who? Their domestic market big enough?