i) When missiles fly into Singapore, it would be a declared war, which means all diplomatic efforts had failed, which would give everyone a time to be prepared for war. Based upon historical evidences, most if not all foreign investors, the rich & their workers would had long FLED, leaving only Singaporeans - men, women, kids & the elderly left in the Nation.
ii) No doubt aggressors will not be stupid & fire missiles indiscriminately. Our value lays in the Ports & flat runways for transportation. It may even be destroyed, but will be the highest if not the ONLY priority to be rebuild. As for any collateral damages to buildings & infrastructures, Singaporeans can live in slums for all that the aggressors would care, as our forefathers had learnt in WW2 when Singapore was abandoned.
hahahha. U are good for comedic relief. U really have shit for brains, don't you?
U assume that diplomatic efforts have failed? Who told u there will be diplomatic efforts? Who told you that no attack will happen during ongoing diplomatic efforts? Was there any diplomatic effort between Russia and Ukraine when Russia suddenly attacked? Non, asshole. The US and Japan had ongoing diplomatic efforts and yet, Japan still attacked and caught the US by surprise. Did Iraq and Kuwait have diplomatic efforts before Iraq attacked? No, dumb shit. The attack will happen quick and fast with no warning. In military strategy, it's called a Surprise Attack, shit for brains. No enemy will give up the element of Surprise.
As for the rich and their workers fleeing long before any attack, yet another baseless assumption. Let's say we follow your stupid assumption and that diplomacy have failed and there is impending war. Fact, Singapore has native born population of 3 million or less. Fact, there are 6 million people in Singapore. Fact, 1million of them are PRC citizens. Fact, 700,000 are CECA Indian citizens. Fact, there are several hundreds of thousands of malaysians, Indonesians. Viets, Pinoys, Myanmar, Thais, Angmos, etc. First thing that will happen is that the 2 land crossings will be closed. Why? Malaysia does not want millions of refugees flooding in and also they could actually be the enemy. Therefore, evacuation will now have to happen via air and sea. But wait.......... because this is a potential war zone, insurance does not cover airlines and aircraft deliberately flying into a potential war zone to get passengers and neither do maritime insurance cover ships doing the same. The only people that can flee are those wealthy who have their own private jets and can charter their own planes. Even if planes can land at Changi, a single aisle plane takes around 180 pax and a twin aisle around 300-350. Let's say on average, a flight takes 250 pax, it will take 10,000 flights to evacuate 2.5 million people. Your maths not very good, right? that will be impossible. So the bottom line is no one is fleeing except the very rich and the PAP elite who will use RSAF resources. Are you follow so far, pea brain? So by and large, the 3 million FTs here will remain here.
The collateral damage is not to buildings and infrastructure stupid. Its to human beings. If 200,000 people were killed in a missile attack, statistically ( u know what is statistics, right?) only 100,000 are native born Singaporeans. 50,000 will be PRC citizens, 25,000 will be CECA Indian citizens, etc. Now kindly name the country that is willing to kill 50,000 PRC Chinese? Or 25,000 Indians? U understand? Dumb fuck.