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MY LUNCH/DINNER/BREAKFAST/SNACK/SUPPER Thread for sharing your meals/food/cooking


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Alfrescian (Inf)
Nowadays buffet cannot do that type self serve one. The serving spoon very likely contaminated with everyone using it and touching it.

All have to be ala carte order then served.
yalor, very tough to operate buffet joint. those which are open ask customers to pick food from menu, and then they are served by wait staff. gen, the korean all you can eat joint just reopened. like that, no longer buffet. more like typical eatery.


Super Moderator
Staff member
yalor, very tough to operate buffet joint. those which are open ask customers to pick food from menu, and then they are served by wait staff. gen, the korean all you can eat joint just reopened. like that, no longer buffet. more like typical eatery.

Not sure how vegas is doing it now.

Will be a long long long time (if ever) the old buffets come back liao.

Byebye Penis



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Staff member
Hotel room prices drop this year. Dirt cheap if you avoid convention dates on Las Vegas Convention Center.

Since spring, Americans travelling like mad all over, even conventions in Texas and FL are packed. Only casino receipts from Asians are reduced.

AMDK just sold vegas hotel for 10x profits in 7 years.
Cherng family trust? People who started Panda Express?

Wah lau panda express food cannot make it. Can become billionaires? How these people do it?

I run a gong cha franchise already enough headache and make hardly anything.


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Staff member
Sorry about it. It is tough in many businesses now.
Your little's girl can brag to her friends that her family sells BBT, and gives a treat to them.

I pity my wife. Work so hard. And she earns nothing. She didnt pay herself any salary for whole of last year. Kids work and get paid minimum wage. So at least there is something there.

Did not expect cost of sale to be so high.

Anyway this is last tine liao. I have decided to just accept that I will work as dr till I die. Dont think of retiring dont think of doing other things anymore. Only cause more trouble and lose more money.

Just buy lottery.

Byebye Penis

I pity my wife. Work so hard. And she earns nothing. She didnt pay herself any salary for whole of last year. Kids work and get paid minimum wage. So at least there is something there.

Did not expect cost of sale to be so high.

Anyway this is last tine liao. I have decided to just accept that I will work as dr till I die. Dont think of retiring dont think of doing other things anymore. Only cause more trouble and lose more money.

Just buy lottery.
were profits decent before COVID?

N.America and Europe's foot traffic are recovering strongly. I hope the worst is over for you.


Super Moderator
Staff member
were profits decent before COVID?

N.America and Europe's foot traffic are recovering strongly. I hope the worst is over for you.
We bought the shop Sept 2020. Shop only started Sept 2019.

So it never had a chance to have pre covid biz really. By the time it got going covid hit and shutdown 2 months in March April 2019. Thats why owner sell.

But looks to be picking up. This September 2021 has been our best month ever so far.

Ok i got to go bring stock to the shop

Byebye Penis

We bought the shop Sept 2020. Shop only started Sept 2019.

So it never had a chance to have pre covid biz really. By the time it got going covid hit and shutdown 2 months in March April 2019. Thats why owner sell.

But looks to be picking up. This September 2021 has been our best month ever so far.

Ok i got to go bring stock to the shop

Hey congrats!

1. You own the shop? Means no tenancy agreement, your wife can give up the franchise for smaller losses.
2. Yeah, foot traffic is picking up, worst is over.
3. You own the shop!!!!!!! Seriously there is a recession worldwide but my counterparts in UK and US told me that property market is cheonging. I hope this is true for your area too. You should get a good price if you sell the unit when your wife want to stop the business.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Hey congrats!

1. You own the shop? Means no tenancy agreement, your wife can give up the franchise for smaller losses.
2. Yeah, foot traffic is picking up, worst is over.
3. You own the shop!!!!!!! Seriously there is a recession worldwide but my counterparts in UK and US told me that property market is cheonging. I hope this is true for your area too. You should get a good price if you sell the unit when your wife want to stop the business.
No lah. Bought the business.

Dont own the property. Paying rent Commercial property very expensive. But learned differences between commercial and residential. Pros and cons.

Alberta property still in doldrums price wise.

I got no out liao. Maybe if 23andme rockets in 20 years perhaps.

It is ok lah. I have decided to just accept my fate. Time is running out for me liao. No more young. Just keep working.


No lah. Bought the business.

Dont own the property. Paying rent Commercial property very expensive. But learned differences between commercial and residential. Pros and cons.

Alberta property still in doldrums price wise.

I got no out liao. Maybe if 23andme rockets in 20 years perhaps.

It is ok lah. I have decided to just accept my fate. Time is running out for me liao. No more young. Just keep working.
Got TOTO or something like 4D there? Got buy got hope no buy no hope.