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My friend go dental extract 3 tooth 450 dollar!why so expensive?


If you compare with 3 shots $150 at Geylang, of course it's expensive. But a dentist needs to be a top student in his cohort, and has to spend 6 years in medical school. So it's normal to charge $150 per shot, compared with your Geylang FTs $150 per 3 shots. Your Geylang FTs do not need to ace in school examinations. Instead of 6 years in medical school, they only need 30-day social visit pass.

A Singaporean

Once again this poor Sinkie is an embarrassment to the nation. This fucker does not understand our medical facilities are to serve foreigners with good paying jobs. Sinkies should just use a pair of pliers to extract themselves. Which part of the PAP message you still do not understand?
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