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My friend ejaculate sperm in less than 30 second of sexual intercourse.how to prolong ejaculation?



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Singapore Dancing Spirit

Seminal Flux - Running semen issue

It is not due to masturbation. He may be infected, and he needs helps.

☠️Gonorrhea is a very common sexually transmitted infection STI, especially for teens and people in their 20s. Gonorrhea is sometimes called "the clap" or "the drip." Gonorrhea is spread through vaginal, anal, and oral sex. The infection is carried in semen (cum), pre-cum, and vaginal fluids.It is considered unclean. There was no remedy in Biblical times. The club Drip in 100 Orchard Road is named after this STI.

Hebrew word: zuwb (H2100), "to flow freely; to have a sexual flux; waste away; overflow; gush out; or have a running issue." It is translated "flowing" and "floweth" 20 times in connection with the land "flowing with milk and honey" (Lev. 20:24; Ex. 3:8,17; etc.).

Its reference here is to some physical uncleanness. The Septuagint renders it as "gonorrhea" in this chapter. Such diseases of men (Lev. 15:2-15) and women (Lev. 15:19-30) have been known from the early ages. In countries where public prostitution has been promoted and idolatrous ceremonies have been carried on with much immorality the loathsome diseases have been common.

Zuwb (H2100) is used in Lev. 15:2,4,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,19,25,32,33; 22:4; Num. 5:2; 2Sam. 3:29. The kindred word zowb (H2101), a seminal or menstrual flux, is also used in Lev. 15:2,3,13,15,19,25,26,28,30.

Anyone with such Seminal Flux is unclean Biblically

☠️ Twelve Unclean Persons and Things in Bible (even before antibiotics were invented)
➊ A man having a running issue - disease of losing semen while sleeping or in the dream spontaneously (Lev. 15:2-3)
➋ The bed on which he lies (Lev. 15:4)
➌ The chair on which he sits.
➍ Any person who touches such a man's bed (Lev. 15:5). It is safe to keep a distance with such individuals who habitually maturates or running issue
➎ Any person who sits on the chair on which he sat (Lev. 15:6)
➏ Any person who touches the flesh of such a man (Lev. 15:7)
➐ One who contacts his spittle (Lev. 15:8) — Spitting on another was an oriental practice to express insult and contempt (Num. 12:14; Dt. 25:9; Job 30:10; Isa. 50:6; Mt. 26:67).
➑ The saddle on which the man rides (Lev. 15:9)
➒ Whoever touches what was underneath him (Lev. 15:10)
➓ Whoever carries any of those things
⓫ Anyone touched by the man without washing his hands (Lev. 15:11)
⓬ Any vessel that he touches (Lev. 15:12)
