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Many 野蛮人狗杂种 using my word “good” and my particulars from address to name to insinuate insult me hokkien virgin as prostitute Pui!


does iodine repair hymen loss? if so, u better consume more meat like chicken and seafood. otherwise your hymen will forever be lost. LOL :laugh:
Tell that to yourself Cantonese dog self admitted SON OF DIRTY SLUT PROSTITUTE your mother needs hymen repair not me that don’t give a damn to my hymen because I am 100% virgin Pui!


= fake virgin lor
Fake is you evil coward Cantonese dog self admitted ADULTERER hiding in rat hole doing defamation crimes to Gansiokbin defaming people fake virgin while dare not show your ccb Cantonese dog son of prostitute name and face, dare not swear to die a violent and dare not take up my virginity test challenge Pui!



Contains lots of Iodine. Better eat more since you're same type anyway
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Hey Cantonese dog son of chicken you are so entitled to steal and rob my peace. Fuck off from my cancer thread and go to my Facebook to do defamation crimes and win last word Pui!


Povidone iodine vaginal is used to provide temporary relief from minor vaginal irritation, soreness, or itching.

This is good for you since you do use your vaginal very often in your daily work.

Cheap cheap, about $15 in most pharmacies.
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Again you Cantonese dog prove yourself to be what you accused me of = a coward hiding in this thread doing defamation crimes to Gansiokbin here while dare not reply to this thread and do defamation crimes there hahaha

Post in thread 'GREEDY is you @Houri entitled Cantonese dog SELF ADMITTED SON OF DIRTY SLUT'