Calling Wayne Piew, calling Wayne Piew...what happened at the "Theatre of Horrors"

? Sorry just could not resist the poke:p
Seriously though, the EPL title is still United's to lose, as Fergie would say "it is squeaky bum time"
Hmmn, somepeople here backside itchy. Hoping to get the hairdryer treatment from Sir Alex like those bunch of
dimwits that played against loserpool last sat.
What's the freaking big deal over one small victory.
What's the big deal about doing a double over Man Utd. It means Bo Diddley squat at the end of the season with no sliverware in the cabinet, which happens to Loserpool since 2006 may i remind you.
We are
still the Champions of Europe, England and World,
still top of table with a big 4pts gap and game in hand,
still in the Quarter-Finals of the Champions League,
still in the Semi-Finals of the FA Cup and of course
winning a trophy already this season with the Carling Cup.
Man Utd will fight back and watch the respond next week against fulham.
It will be a very good pleasure to show loserpool that, at the end of the season its MAN UNITED lifting the 18th title, not them.
We'll have the last laugh!!

When that happens, pls don't conveniently disappear from this forum for 1 or 2 mths cos i will be rubbing it into you and your fellow Loserfool's compadre faces.:p