WP has regular uniformed weekly gatherings of 30 to 50 members for Hammer sales outreach. I don't see them being arrested or harrassed. For GE rally crowds, don't need to say, WP crowds easily outnumber PAP crowds practically 10 to 1 or more. I don't see them being arrested or harrassed. I don't see opposition MPs like CST and LTK or even one-term MPs LHD and CCC being arrested or harrassed.
The problems with JBJ, TLH and CSJ were largely self-sought. The defamation laws are there. Even PAP MPs has to abide by it. The only case I consider unfair was the JBJ disqualification from MP in 1986, but it was high politics and personal politics by LKY, not the police. The JBJ 2000 defamation and disqualification from NCMP case, frankly, he asked for it. Anyway, it was a civil case, not a police case. The police even approved the YCK Stadium permit for him to host the Save JBJ Rally.