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Some friend fish in damai village near Perling.. Seemed lots of simple fun in malaysia..

Very true, i also like fishing A LOT. Used to fish until one time got hit with set backs after set backs (babies wise). Went to set free some fishes at Sembawang Park and gave up fishing. (Heart still yearns for the sound of that spinning reel)
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Shop houses in Nusa bestari is promising.. Shop houses in HH is also very promising right?

I am just a normal guy. None of my cars are above 2.4 litres. Shop houses definitely ok BUT LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION is even more important here. Go for the wrong area and thats it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
One day I ll withdraw all I have out of Singapore, and use whatever CPF that I cant withdraw to buy whatever it can get to buy some house or shop to maximize the stucked money.. I ll be satisfied if I can live here.. If not I ll move further up..or find another paradise to live..

Singapore is too expensive and congested..and little memory left beside char kuei tiao, mee pok da.. My childhood playgrounds, schools, fishing sites have all been demolished.. Friends are living all over the world..ha

I've already taken whatever I can out of my CPF & invested it in a home. My long term plan calls for moving out of Spore.

My savings is already invested outside of Spore. I'm just waiting for the market to improve before going. While waiting I like keep up with what others are doing :smile:

Puteri harbour

Thanks... That is me and will always be... Ha ha...

Very true, i also like fishing A LOT. Used to fish until one time got hit with set backs after set backs (babies wise). Went to set free some fishes at Sembawang Park and gave up fishing. (Heart still yearns for the sound of that spinning reel)


Shop houses in Nusa bestari is promising.. Shop houses in HH is also very promising right?
shophouse in n.bestari and bindah are definitely a good buy 2-3years ago. i missed the boat. those in hh bit isolated frm outside 'world' ...hard to predict its potential.


Moderator - JB Section
shophouse in n.bestari and bindah are definitely a good buy 2-3years ago. i missed the boat. those in hh bit isolated frm outside 'world' ...hard to predict its potential.

Yes Bestari and Bukit Indah definitely good buys. Now they are good bye as they are very expensive. HH is difficult for now. Maybe another 1-2 years down the road. Foreigners like us cannot buy them though. :(

Must set up company, etc but then loan may be hard.
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Moderator - JB Section
I've already taken whatever I can out of my CPF & invested it in a home. My long term plan calls for moving out of Spore.

My savings is already invested outside of Spore. I'm just waiting for the market to improve before going. While waiting I like keep up with what others are doing :smile:

Good for you, i am glad to hear Johnny. Sounds like a long term plan to me. :smile:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Good for you, you have posted in this thread a long time ago when we first started. Rather than get pushed out, why not venture beyond? It doesn't have to be just Johore, MY or even Asia. Go forth and multiply!! :smile:

Actually have tentively decided on Thailand because they have good hospitals & infrastructure. However don't think I'll buy property in LOS because the property laws is not so foreigner friendly.
Maybe get a place in JB & spend time in both LOS & JB. Before deciding I'll probably spend more time next year in LOS & see how I like it.

Definitely can't consider retiring in Spore unless there's a change in the gov't because there won't be an end to the price escalation under the PAP regime.


Moderator - JB Section
Actually have tentively decided on Thailand because they have good hospitals & infrastructure. However don't think I'll buy property in LOS because the property laws is not so foreigner friendly.
Maybe get a place in JB & spend time in both LOS & JB. Before deciding I'll probably spend more time next year in LOS & see how I like it.

Definitely can't consider retiring in Spore unless there's a change in the gov't because there won't be an end to the price escalation under the PAP regime.

Get a place in Krabi? Nice and cheap and near to MY so that you can even drive if need be (ultra long drive though)


Actually have tentively decided on Thailand because they have good hospitals & infrastructure. However don't think I'll buy property in LOS because the property laws is not so foreigner friendly.
Maybe get a place in JB & spend time in both LOS & JB. Before deciding I'll probably spend more time next year in LOS & see how I like it.

Definitely can't consider retiring in Spore unless there's a change in the gov't because there won't be an end to the price escalation under the PAP regime.

Thailand seems an interesting place to move to after reading some of the posts in the Bangkok thread..one of my friend said Chiangmai is a nice place for retirement..
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shophouse in n.bestari and bindah are definitely a good buy 2-3years ago. i missed the boat. those in hh bit isolated frm outside 'world' ...hard to predict its potential.
2storey shoplot at johor jaya asking 1.6m now .scaryyyyy.. but its fact. southkey going for 1.06m is pretty cheap but is leasehold. who know it may convert to freehold


You already did better than me, first time to HH, i went all the way past Senai. There will always be lost sheep like me but i was found! :smile: Never give up, if a black sheep like me can do it, so can you. :smile:

Yes the schools are looking good. EL and LF will definitely benefit. PH as well as the other condos in that area.

HH's clubhouse will definitely be more crowded once more members join up (Most of the facilities are open only to members and their guests)

Wuqi, what I like about you is that you are so humble. You are one of the brightest and most-determined guys around.

Actually have tentively decided on Thailand because they have good hospitals & infrastructure. However don't think I'll buy property in LOS because the property laws is not so foreigner friendly.
Maybe get a place in JB & spend time in both LOS & JB. Before deciding I'll probably spend more time next year in LOS & see how I like it.

Definitely can't consider retiring in Spore unless there's a change in the gov't because there won't be an end to the price escalation under the PAP regime.

One of my friends bought an apartment in LOS, another is gonna get hitched to a Malaysian gal, so likely to retire out of SG too. I hope to get accustomed to living in Nusajaya, though it will be a challenge to convince parents to move over, and my other sibling resides in OZ.

Agreed on the living costs factor, increasingly it could force more S'poreans to live in Johor. Only time will tell.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Thailand seems an interesting place to move to after reading some of the posts in the Bangkok thread..one of my friend said Chiangmai is a nice place for retirement..

A thai friend told me that it is the #1 choice for thais who retire. All these years of visiting LOS I've never been to Chiangmai:eek: Will probably do a visit next year & do a look see.

Will want to see how badly it was affected by the floods.


agree, penny wise pound foolish. Developers as a whole actually not just uem. I find that these days their big bosses only see $$.

I hope some UEM guys are in this forum so that they know that by sacrificing a bit of profit to deliver quality housing, they can make more absolute money.


yea just as the rich gets richer. i guess follows the basic principles of darwinian selection. it is the exceptions that really gives us hope that all things are possible.

Self actualization unfortunately still comes mainly to those whose basic needs are met.


Alfrescian (Inf)
One of my friends bought an apartment in LOS, another is gonna get hitched to a Malaysian gal, so likely to retire out of SG too. I hope to get accustomed to living in Nusajaya, though it will be a challenge to convince parents to move over, and my other sibling resides in OZ.

Agreed on the living costs factor, increasingly it could force more S'poreans to live in Johor. Only time will tell.

Shouldn't be a problem adjusting to life in JB, it is just like living in Woodlands, just cheaper :smile:

I won't try to convince my parents to move because they are old & their friends are in Spore. That's why I've factored in the extra cost of continuing to maintain a home in Spore. Owning a home is not that important to me, I'll be satisfied with renting a place in LOS. This may change after I've had an oppurtunity to stay in LOS long time.
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