Hi Arsenal, i would still retain at least 2-3 units for own use.
Hey Grago, agree, some of the stuff isn't cheap especially if you compare it to buying in US directly. The Levis one seems ok though as do the Coach items but of course US is cheaper(not so for Levis these days).
General enquiry
Property tax is about few hundred ringgit depending on what type of property you have. Normally i pay the Cukai Tanah and Cukai Harta yearly (i pay for 1 year). Coverage of that was in earlier pages.
Cars, people are bringing in their cars here as part of MM2H offering which allows them to bring one car from SG or import one (meaning you can buy from open market) and deduct the 30% tax from it. Quite a substantial sum. For folks wary of buying 2nd hand cars, they have recently implemented quite a lot of checks for resale of 2nd hand cars to protect buyers so its becoming slightly easier now to buy. Still, beware of lemons.
Banks, generally they are wary to loan to foreigners so they are more afraid of us than us of them!

Going to open up another FD here as their rates are pretty attractive.
Hi Puteri Harbour, there are at least 3 guys who earn above 50k SGD a month that i know of staying in my area. Not really that high but the highest i know is coming out here is heart surgeon from a first world country. He is going to buy for retirement. His would be easily above 180k (currency not revealed for his privacy but definitely not rupiah, zimbabwe money or ringgit) a month. People like him and his friends already got MM2H without needing to do anything a few years back.
Of course, these are not super stars but still, a good reflection of some of the people staying here. He will be bringing in his friends as well. They are not just here for investment though but also buying for own stay.
There are still people whose income is way above the value of their houses. A certain bro i know, working also as a tech consultant can easily afford the 3m MYR bungalows here but he chooses to stay in a 4 room flat. Yet another guy from a bank also stays in a flat. It doesn't really mean that the big houses must belong to big shots as its a different lifestyle and preference.
Ironically, the person who can buy 6-7m (SGD) bungalows easily in SG is staying in a cluster
Another one who can also do that, stays in a terrace.
Poor person (seriously if you compare me with them) like me stay in a semi-d.