Wuqi bro thanks for ur sharing all the way and i am hoping i can like you to have freedom n do watever u wan
i can feel u r very faithful person and will take good care n tink nice for ur parents, this is wat i want to learn frm u also~thanks~
Thanks Shawn, i am just sharing some thoughts, there are lots of folks here who shared a lot and some even more than me.
Every man/woman would face temptation in life and i have faced it before which is why i go very low key these days, driving cars no one would
take another look at and sold away other things that are too high profile. Even my tenants scoffed at my choice of cars which made me even
happier when i know my dad/wife is driving them.
When an employee boasts about her 300k house, i just smiled and asked how does it look etc. Even when she said now some houses are a
million a piece and asked about what i am staying in, i just smile.
Most importantly, i know how my family and wife view me now and they love me for what i am, warts and all.
Most importantly, i am contented and happy with myself though i still have lots to learn.
Most automobile comes with a manual, but life came suddenly without any manuals.
Everyone is finding his own way to survive and make the most of it as best as they can.
Our parents are here with us only for a while and we should really cherish them.
They too had no manuals when raising you hence mistakes & heartache are inevitable.
Learning to forgive others is a great virtue, learning to forgive oneself is a lost art.
Be gentle with yourself. Forgive yourself.