Well done bro. You started this thread on 20th Aug 2009. By Jan it had 14K hits and I made it a sticker as I thought more should benefit from your journey. 6 mths later its 56K hits and approx 15 sharing the same. You probably did more for Singaporeans who were looking for clean air and to gain some relief and sanity. I am sure there were many more that followed your thread and now have a home in JB or somewhere in Malaysia but did not tell you or thank you.
Many years ago, I realised that Malaysian PRs began to buy a second home in Malaysia even when they became Singaporeans. Thats why I felt Singaporeans should get going. You know Singaporeans - unless the Straits Times mentions it, nothing would move.
The Sultan and Menteri Besar of Johor should give our bro wuqi an award for his persistence and contribution to Iskandar Malaysia!