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Living in JB 3 (Johore)

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Sigh... kinda Sad for me! As for now, it seems like i have to put my dreams to purchase my retirement house in JB for hold. Due to my wife still have alot of doubts like reno fees, etc..etc..btw she always changes her mind frequently when come to big decision. I just hope for the best then! Which i had tried to convinced her that not to worried coz i told her im willing to work very hard to get that money and i know i can make it. The reason why i so eager to buy is that i worry if i dont buy now next time will be more harder to buy due to our age, housing price soars and the minimum requirement amount for foreigner may adjust to higher which seems possible due to the current market situation. Very Sad i must say..i dont want to argue with her coz i want a peaceful agreedment so that in future no want is to blame what so ever arise. I know is not end of the world coz i still have my so call HDB to dwell in but it really different. Buying a house in JB be it an investment, a Weekend house or for Retirement im sure end of the day we will not lose out. This is what i call second opinion or option for a average class singaporean like me to hope for. Nevertheless, again i will not give up and will try to educate my wife to have a open mind.

Ofcoz i will still logging on into this wonderful forum. Cheers!

Wish me luck..money luck hahahaha!:smile:

hi DWKY9,

you know, reading your post brings back memories and sometimes a tinge of regret. Back in 2010 when I started looking, I was pretty much alone in my circle (like yourself) in the thinking of a house in JB. Visited HH and they showed me an available Semi-D in Gateway. Tag was RM850k. My budget was half that but pushed extra mile for RM650k Hills. Committing that amount was scary. Some sleepless nights. However the tinge of regret is today that same RM850k semi-D is probably at least RM1.3m, a 50% increase in 2 years. But looking back I could not afford it. Fortunately Hills house is worth at least 35% more now. Even now new terrace launches in HH is RM800k levels. Lesson is the demand is there and growing. The prices seem to have a new base every new launch. (my illustration of HH is not to endorse any particular one development as the same phenomenon has been seen in others like Nusa Duta, Nusa Idaman, etc)

I know that feeling of trying to catch. People say there is a bubble that may pop soon. I believe if you buy in strategic locations, you can resell with minimal losses in such an event that you would need to force-sell.

You have all the right thinking I will presume you are of working age and getting loan is reasonably ok. People forget that our asset is our age as well. There is an easy-loanable period. Dont miss that window. Some people want to wait for market to fall. They forget when markets fall, banks also stop giving loans. Just make sure remember the 30% of income rule.

Property investment is a hedge against inflation.

As for Renovation costs, I do believe the fear if more of the unknown than an objective assessment of the realistic costs. I speak from experience. I recently made a post in the Renovation Thread (post #235) in page 12 there, to share my experience in renovating. Is not as bad as it seems, it is a manageable issue. Take a read. You can convince your wife her kitchen is reachable. Is a matter of prioritisation and sacrifice of the rest.

My wife did not buy into JB at first but after a few rounds of discussions and visits, she came to see my point. Ask your wife what ideas she has to get enough bullets to buy an equivalent house in Singapore for retirement or to stay. The reality will dawn. Do not give up. Your gut feel is right. You just know it. If you need to have heated discussions, then they simply have to happen. You take the risk of being blamed now but you also run the risk of also being blamed in the future for not convincing her enough now! By then it is way too late for two old people staying in a flat to do anything about it...

All the best!
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I had to slowly psycho my Minister for Finance from no min limit to foreigners to 250k and then to 500k min limit. Finally managed to physically bring her down n see for herself and now I am in a slow slow take my time to renovate process. Its better late than never. Perseverance is key here. And of course she must be for it then you go ahead :smile:.

If the wife is part financier then no choice, got to get her concensus. Otherwise, just do it, I know the flak I'm gonna get - sometimes womenfolk are just not courageous or decisive enough when committing to such big purchases. This I am citing from my personal experience. If I did not go in at RM250k level then, I would still be lurking around these forums reading....
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Jason point is good. If bigger space needed for kitchen, besides buying a bigger house, can consider forgo the room downstairs.


Ahhhh, so she's got u under her 'cooking' thumb. heeeheee. No wonder they say the way to a man's heart is tru his stomach. sigh.... wish I had such commendable cooking skills. I m sure she will cook up a storm if she ever starts a food biz in IM. There's no bizness like food bizness . Hmmm, u two could start home catering biz . ...food for thought. Anyway, all the best in your persuasive skills to get her invest with u in a Johor IM home. Perhaps get a small, cosy one first n later sell off n upgrade if neccessary. Cheers.

Hahaha Thank you Mstrii, Sure :smile:


I had to slowly psycho my Minister for Finance from no min limit to foreigners to 250k and then to 500k min limit. Finally managed to physically bring her down n see for herself and now I am in a slow slow take my time to renovate process. Its better late than never. Perseverance is key here. And of course she must be for it then you go ahead :smile:.

Yes bro...Im doing it slowly..loh.:smile:


hi DWKY9,

you know, reading your post brings back memories and sometimes a tinge of regret. Back in 2010 when I started looking, I was pretty much alone in my circle (like yourself) in the thinking of a house in JB. Visited HH and they showed me an available Semi-D in Gateway. Tag was RM850k. My budget was half that but pushed extra mile for RM650k Hills. Committing that amount was scary. Some sleepless nights. However the tinge of regret is today that same RM850k semi-D is probably at least RM1.3m, a 50% increase in 2 years. But looking back I could not afford it. Fortunately Hills house is worth at least 35% more now. Even now new terrace launches in HH is RM800k levels. Lesson is the demand is there and growing. The prices seem to have a new base every new launch. (my illustration of HH is not to endorse any particular one development as the same phenomenon has been seen in others like Nusa Duta, Nusa Idaman, etc)

I know that feeling of trying to catch. People say there is a bubble that may pop soon. I believe if you buy in strategic locations, you can resell with minimal losses in such an event that you would need to force-sell.

You have all the right thinking I will presume you are of working age and getting loan is reasonably ok. People forget that our asset is our age as well. There is an easy-loanable period. Dont miss that window. Some people want to wait for market to fall. They forget when markets fall, banks also stop giving loans. Just make sure remember the 30% of income rule.

Property investment is a hedge against inflation.

As for Renovation costs, I do believe the fear if more of the unknown than an objective assessment of the realistic costs. I speak from experience. I recently made a post in the Renovation Thread (post #235) in page 12 there, to share my experience in renovating. Is not as bad as it seems, it is a manageable issue. Take a read. You can convince your wife her kitchen is reachable. Is a matter of prioritisation and sacrifice of the rest.

My wife did not buy into JB at first but after a few rounds of discussions and visits, she came to see my point. Ask your wife what ideas she has to get enough bullets to buy an equivalent house in Singapore for retirement or to stay. The reality will dawn. Do not give up. Your gut feel is right. You just know it. If you need to have heated discussions, then they simply have to happen. You take the risk of being blamed now but you also run the risk of also being blamed in the future for not convincing her enough now! By then it is way too late for two old people staying in a flat to do anything about it...

All the best!

Hi Contra..Thank you .Yes you are right this how i feel..! I guess Perservance as now for me. I always tell my wife Time will not wait for people once you get pass it thats it. The rest will be history!:smile:


Not a problem to hack down the wall and extend the kitchen right ? Wont cost too much to do it also .

Hi Bro..Thank you:smile: Yes what you said is true..BUt the problem now is that she is not in her buying mode mindset now. Especially she also a part Financier for the house. Important she must agreed and this is what im trtying to so call pyshco her nw and after. Just like today,while on the way i sending her to work, i mentioned to her that i really want to buy the house in JB. It for our old age, and again i said it not an impulsive buying it and chance and opportunity not to be miss by now if we dont act fast. i even explained to her i rather put those saving in somehwere that can make abit more money than in the bank. Plus if we buy a house we can live in there but if money in the bank we cant live in the bank. morever the interest rate not that fantastic.

I said kitchen we can do it slowly even we can hack abit here and there to cater her desire kitchen. She never say anything..So i keep quiet loh...HAhahaha:smile:


Hi Bro..Thank you:smile: Yes what you said is true..BUt the problem now is that she is not in her buying mode mindset now. Especially she also a part Financier for the house. Important she must agreed and this is what im trtying to so call pyshco her nw and after. Just like today,while on the way i sending her to work, i mentioned to her that i really want to buy the house in JB. It for our old age, and again i said it not an impulsive buying it and chance and opportunity not to be miss by now if we dont act fast. i even explained to her i rather put those saving in somehwere that can make abit more money than in the bank. Plus if we buy a house we can live in there but if money in the bank we cant live in the bank. morever the interest rate not that fantastic.

I said kitchen we can do it slowly even we can hack abit here and there to cater her desire kitchen. She never say anything..So i keep quiet loh...HAhahaha:smile:

Hahaha i like the part "cannot live in the bank"...good analogy :wink:


Looks like UEM is really going all out to promote their property. They took out an ads in the Straits Times today (half a page) on their Land Tour.
Wow..furthermore it's at St. Regis Hotel. Spending big money to woo the investor.
Getting Feng Shui master and property guru as speaker...they are serious man..


Hi Bro..Thank you:smile: Yes what you said is true..BUt the problem now is that she is not in her buying mode mindset now. Especially she also a part Financier for the house. Important she must agreed and this is what im trtying to so call pyshco her nw and after. Just like today,while on the way i sending her to work, i mentioned to her that i really want to buy the house in JB. It for our old age, and again i said it not an impulsive buying it and chance and opportunity not to be miss by now if we dont act fast. i even explained to her i rather put those saving in somehwere that can make abit more money than in the bank. Plus if we buy a house we can live in there but if money in the bank we cant live in the bank. morever the interest rate not that fantastic.

I said kitchen we can do it slowly even we can hack abit here and there to cater her desire kitchen. She never say anything..So i keep quiet loh...HAhahaha:smile:

Aiyo Bro , what a woman want is security ! You tell her to put money in JB house ? To her this might be the most risky investment ever ! Her friends , relatives maybe telling her all the bad things all these while , how to feel safe ?

Bring her to a nice candle light dinner at the best resturant in Nusajaya . Try telling her this: " Dear , all these years have been working very hard so that we can save enough to enjoy our retirement , and have dinner like what we are having tonight . But I forsee that if we do nothing now , we maybe ended up wipe tables in Singapore until late 80s . Why not we built a simple home here in JB , and rent out the HDB when our childrens are on their own ? We might be able to retire early ,enjoy things you like such as cooking together , do some gardening , fishing , etc . Things are different now in Nusajaya , it is getting better and safer , lots of my friends who invested here are all doing fine . Show her the list of homeowners in Iskandar , to proof it "
Good luck
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Respectfully, you have to give her time and time to process what you have said. It can only make sense if what you said is what she experienced. I like to share what I have just learnt between intellectual knowledge vs experience (this includes other peoples' experience). So, whenever there is a contradiction between knowledge vs experience, experience will prevail psychologically.

Like Bro Jasonjst said, she might be surrounded by the naysayers (95% of the population)=experience, while you are giving her some intellectual knowledge that most probably contradicts it. I hope you recognise that you are on a uphill battle if you merely trying to talk her out of it. Now, like many have suggested, she needs more positive experience of JB in whatever manner (you know best) to reinforced the intellectual knowledge she has gotten from you before things start to make sense.

I hope I am making sense here. IMHO, no point pushing it through without her supporting it. Be patience with her, have joy and peace whatever it might be.

Good luck,

Hi Bro..Thank you:smile: Yes what you said is true..BUt the problem now is that she is not in her buying mode mindset now. Especially she also a part Financier for the house. Important she must agreed and this is what im trtying to so call pyshco her nw and after. Just like today,while on the way i sending her to work, i mentioned to her that i really want to buy the house in JB. It for our old age, and again i said it not an impulsive buying it and chance and opportunity not to be miss by now if we dont act fast. i even explained to her i rather put those saving in somehwere that can make abit more money than in the bank. Plus if we buy a house we can live in there but if money in the bank we cant live in the bank. morever the interest rate not that fantastic.

I said kitchen we can do it slowly even we can hack abit here and there to cater her desire kitchen. She never say anything..So i keep quiet loh...HAhahaha:smile:


this is what im trtying to so call pyshco her nw and after. Just like today,while on the way i sending her to work, i mentioned to her that i really want to buy the house in JB. It for our old age, and again i said it not an impulsive buying it and chance and opportunity not to be miss by now if we dont act fast.

I said kitchen we can do it slowly even we can hack abit here and there to cater her desire kitchen. She never say anything..So i keep quiet loh...HAhahaha:smile:

HA! that is progress, she kept quiet instead of "no!" Keep plugging brother. Do it like Iskandar, until tipping point reached. You are not far now :smile:


Bring her to a nice candle light dinner at the best resturant in Nusajaya . Try telling her this: " Dear , all these years have been working very hard so that we can save enough to enjoy our retirement , and have dinner like what we are having tonight . But I forsee that if we do nothing now , we maybe ended up wipe tables in Singapore until late 80s . Why not we built a simple home here in JB , and rent out the HDB when our childrens are on their own ? We might be able to retire early ,enjoy things you like such as cooking together , do some gardening , fishing , etc . Things are different now in Nusajaya , it is getting better and safer , lots of my friends who invested here are all doing fine . Show her the list of homeowners in Iskandar , to proof it "
Good luck

nice one bro Jason :smile: You are quite a romantic huh? One fine day must pm me where to find a nice candle light restaurant in JB.

just two days ago New Paper headline a Singaporean shot in JB. Alive as shot his thigh - -happened in Molek. They hinted got to do with becoming a chairman ofa local temple & drive around in his BMW. Better to keep low profile as a policy in life....I only say this so that bro DWKY9 make sure hide the New Paper as he embarks on his persuasion on his wife....
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Ahhhh, so she's got u under her 'cooking' thumb. heeeheee. No wonder they say the way to a man's heart is tru his stomach. sigh.... wish I had such commendable cooking skills. I m sure she will cook up a storm if she ever starts a food biz in IM. There's no bizness like food bizness . Hmmm, u two could start home catering biz . ...food for thought. Anyway, all the best in your persuasive skills to get her invest with u in a Johor IM home. Perhaps get a small, cosy one first n later sell off n upgrade if neccessary. Cheers.

I agree with MsTrii . . . .DWKY9, dont forget to invite us to your house warming in JB in 2014 .
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Sigh... kinda Sad for me! As for now, it seems like i have to put my dreams to purchase my retirement house in JB for hold. Due to my wife still have alot of doubts like reno fees, etc..etc..btw she always changes her mind frequently when come to big decision. I just hope for the best then! Which i had tried to convinced her that not to worried coz i told her im willing to work very hard to get that money and i know i can make it. The reason why i so eager to buy is that i worry if i dont buy now next time will be more harder to buy due to our age, housing price soars and the minimum requirement amount for foreigner may adjust to higher which seems possible due to the current market situation. Very Sad i must say..i dont want to argue with her coz i want a peaceful agreedment so that in future no want is to blame what so ever arise. I know is not end of the world coz i still have my so call HDB to dwell in but it really different. Buying a house in JB be it an investment, a Weekend house or for Retirement im sure end of the day we will not lose out. This is what i call second opinion or option for a average class singaporean like me to hope for. Nevertheless, again i will not give up and will try to educate my wife to have a open mind.

Ofcoz i will still logging on into this wonderful forum. Cheers!

Wish me luck..money luck hahahaha!:smile:

Touch your heart..
Have you ever walked into her kitchen's world and see what she desires for...? em02.gif



nice one bro Jason :smile: You are quite a romantic huh? One fine day must pm me where to find a nice candle light restaurant in JB.

just two days ago New Paper headline a Singaporean shot in JB. Alive as shot his thigh - -happened in Molek. They hinted got to do with becoming a chairman ofa local temple & drive around in his BMW. Better to keep low profile as a policy in life....I only say this so that bro DWKY9 make sure hide the New Paper as he embarks on his persuasion on his wife....

Er , at our age , we dont need candle light dinner leh . Will pm u where to find best Bakut Teh , XO roast duck , but must bring along your own candles lor ! haha .
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