Demand for properties in Nusajaya, especially HH, will definitely get a Big boost with Legoland's opening. The opening of Legoland will be on prime time TV news of all neighbouring countries and it'll reach millions of people around this region. Moreover, it's not just a news which people see and forget. Around a million people are expected to visit Legoland in the first year and a certain percentage of these people who finally visit Nusajaya will change their view of Nusajaya and want to get a property here, both Malaysians and Singaporeans (and other nationalities), this figure can't be zero. Investors will also have more confidence to invest here when they see the city alive and with infrastructures up and running. HH gets free advertisement being right beside Coastal highway and millions will be impressed by its beautiful living environment

(I don't have any property in HH so don't doubt my intention, I'm not a naive or novice investor trying to move market by such a post. I just like to share. My motive of sharing, especially earlier in 2010, is hoping that a handful of people will end up getting a unit in Nusajaya and make hundreds of thousands in profit by now and return to say 'thank you investor, you changed my life'

If someone really did buy in 2010 because of my posts then, profit is easily 50% now in terms of house value. In terms of capital outlay of say 20% downpayment, profit is 150%)
Demand for properties in Nusajaya will surely increase, the thing unknown is supply. The good thing is that UEM can control the supplies within Nusajaya. They won't be that stupid to over supply and pull down their own selling price in Nusajaya(Europe crisis is another story). They have been steadily increasing their selling price since 2007 till now, as demand increases. Supplies can be flooded everywhere else outside Nusajaya but those areas can't compete directly with prime land in Nusajaya(with strong catalyst developments and infrastructures) unless UEM themselves build another city with catalyst even stronger than Nusajaya's in the far future and is even nearer to 2nd link. If that can happen, Nusajaya's prices will already be much higher than present.