All of them have seen combat inside their toilets armed with a bar of soap and a roll of tissue paper..
Who can we blamed esp when their wives look like man?
All of them have seen combat inside their toilets armed with a bar of soap and a roll of tissue paper..
Actually the list is much longer....if you take the trouble to list I think past and present more than 100 generals.
Many are hiding in stat boards, GLCs etc....
They say sinkieland army size small we can't have full general but add up all these 1-2 stars are a joke.
the number of officers being promoted to flag rank aka generals or admirals for the last 30 years will have no problem of forming a battlion.
strangely it has so many generals. --- this is lumpar ONE.
Back then thailand had the dubious honor of being the country with the most military generals.....numbered in the thousands......with the ratio being 1 general to every 560 soldiers......many had no specific duties and some dun even have an office so they are out playing golf everyday.....the number of officers being promoted to flag rank aka generals or admirals for the last 30 years will have no problem of forming a battlion.
Back then thailand had the dubious honor of being the country with the most military generals.....numbered in the thousands......with the ratio being 1 general to every 560 soldiers......many had no specific duties and some dun even have an office so they are out playing golf everyday.....
i think SG is getting time when they run out of places to slot these useless generals maybe still give them jobs as principals of primary schools.
Not exactly true. There are other Brigadier Generals (or higher) not to have seen any combat.
These include:
BG George Yeo
BG Lee Hsien Yang
MG Chan Chun Sing
BG Tan Chuan Jin
RAdm Teo Chee Hean
RAdm Lui Tuck Yew
BG Yam Ah Mee
LG Lim Chuan Poh
LG Wong Yat Chung
LG Neo Kian Hong
What combat have they seen?
When the PAP is tossed out, all the paper generals must go to. And those retired paper generals should not have the right to use the rank unless they volunteer to go to Afghanistan or Mali for 2 years.
NKH is the only Ranger-qualified Chief of Army and Chief of Defence Force.....if its not a watered down course just for him then this chap is no softie to have pass Ranger training.Neo Kian Hong was an observer in Afghanistan.... think he has "seen" combat hahahaha.... the rest don't think so
Just look at kee chiu.
NKH is the only Ranger-qualified Chief of Army and Chief of Defence Force.....if its not a watered down course just for him then this chap is no softie to have pass Ranger training.
I think you friend trying to xian girls lah. Ranger course is 61 days. If every morning FBO 10km on top of very tough daily training, no human can finish the course. The knee joints will wear out and give way as no time to recover. Even professional olympic marathon runners also need to rest their body, and they train without FBO.The Ranger course is no joke. Have a buddy who passed, even after he had stress fracture in leg at day 7. He said every morning have 10km FBO run at 4am, must run under 1hr..... At the start of a full day of tekan. If cannot go under 1hr, immediate failure.
I think you friend trying to xian girls lah. Ranger course is 61 days. If every morning FBO 10km on top of very tough daily training, no human can finish the course. The knee joints will wear out and give way as no time to recover. Even professional olympic marathon runners also need to rest their body, and they train without FBO.
Lee Hsien Loong was born in 1952.
Enlisted in SAF as a Recruit in 1971.
Disrupted his OCS training and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 1971.
Went to Cambridge on a President's Scholarship and graduated in 1974. Returned to SAF as a Lieutenant.
He was then promoted to Brigadier General in 1983 (he also disrupted to do a Masters degree at Harvard in 1980).
Basically he served 8 years of active service in the SAF, in which time he was promoted from Lieutenant to BG (that's six ranks).
The ranks of CPT to COL all have two grades each. Meaning that he was promoted NINE times in eight years.
Truly a military legend - I can't think of a General with a record this stellar. Patton, Pershing, Mountbatten, McArthur and Powell are all left trailing in his wake.
lhl 21SA rite?
There we have it, one night one kill. Confirm xian girls lah. He was using his zouk Jedi mind trick on you.One of the course objectives of the ranger course, my friend, is to physically exert yourself for minimum 20hours a day, over 30 + 30 days. The one or two days break is for transport to the Thailand phase. Also, in the ranger course meals are just one packet of hard tack biscuits a day. The smartest and best cadres are not the fittest, but those who can keng as much as they can. In fact, they will do FBO run and relag come in at 57mins or 58mins, just under the hour to conserve energy. My same friend said a super fit PTI who can do 2.4km under 7mins drop out after day 3 because of lack of sleep.
My friend was a regular reaching rank of MAJ before he left. He also completed the US Ranger course. He is a pure soldier type - operational mind and damn on type, now working somewhere in Iraq for a security company, big bucks but real risks. Strong as an ox with big broad shoulders, you don't want to mess with that fucker. No need to xian girls - he go Zouk is one night one kill. Sure can take home one chiobu to bang one.
Regardless of how fast you run, if you run 10 km, you use x amount of energy. Running slow does not save energy, though you feel less strain.
The human legs cannot take the daily 10km FBO run on top of even more training for more than a few days consecutive. There has to be sufficient rest in between, because there is only a finite amount of punishment the joint can handle. Tis is bio limitation, nothing to do with mental. Unless the rangers have bionic knee joints that do not wear out.
Sir, basic physics and proven by scientists. Running fast or slow is the same energy. It is the distance that determines the energy output.Shall not bore you with more details.
The minimum 20hrs physical exertion per day is mentioned there + 3.5hrs sleep per day, 61 days. Similar in the SAF.
Running 10km in FBO daily is a piece of cake. Seriously. I was OCS best PT with SOC time of 6mins 06 sec - and that was more than 10 years ago - guys today should be fitter. The tough part about Ranger course is lack of sleep. Why do you think more than 80% of the cadres FAIL? LOL. Have you served your NS? Running in FBO is not that siong, and running SLOW in FBO does..... really does, save heaps of energy. It is load x speed - the faster the speed, the more energy used, the longer the recovery time. Slow speed, less energy used, more efficient footsteps, less stress on legs, shorter recovery time etc
Go and try![]()
LHL is fr 23sa. When i serving there, they have a plaque where they put all the names of the CO. I think its 1973-74 when he was CO there.