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KT Latha


Go to my Facebook and call me fake virgin to win you trouble maker liar slut criminal bully.
y need to go FB aarr??? u slut, fake virgin, trouble maker, neighbour from hell, siao lang...n



y need to go FB aarr??? u slut, fake virgin, trouble maker, neighbour from hell, siao lang...n
View attachment 158558
You sly liar slut trouble maker evil doer act blur pretend don’t know you said I should go sue go report police on mark Andrew yeo no sue no report police means not true, so you should do what you said and go Facebook for me to go sue go report police on you mark Andrew yeo if not means what you said of me is not true. Pui! View attachment 158732


Kt latha is not just trouble maker secretary empress dowager that contributed to the shit high risk internal audit issues but a trouble maker as HR manager that can’t source decent resumes.
It’s an unfair evil world where evil filthy Indian slut in bed accusing me slut kt latha can get away with being troublemaker evil doer not once but multiple times while her victim of bullying get smeared and suffer harassment everyday everywhere. Knnbccb


It’s an unfair evil world where evil filthy Indian slut in bed accusing me slut kt latha can get away with being troublemaker evil doer not once but multiple times while her victim of bullying get smeared and suffer harassment everyday everywhere. Knnbccb

Oh shut up you fucking slut!