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KT Latha


I think she's a good woman. What do you think?

Who is she? Jeremy Quek's mother? :unsure:



A very kind lady that allowed gansiokbin to continue work in sfc for several years despite gansiokbins' slutty behaviour at work.


Kt latha is evil filthy Indian slut in bed accusing me a virgin a slut. Everyone that bullied me is called good man good woman to you Jeremy Quek liar criminal bully son of dirty Cantonese chow hai that suck Angmoh cock suck Indian nipple. Pui!
I think she's a good woman. What do you think?


KT Latha has a good heart.
Kt latha is empress dowager in Singapore flying college with a bad heart bullying a finance manager that had bad acid reflux attacks by ordering spicy Indian food for all office buffet. Sidelined me with LJ McCully endorsement on the bufffet.


Kt latha said to gansiokbin "someone is behaving like a slut today" so I believed kt latha is a outspoken straightforward person that is not hypocritical :thumbsup:
Kt latha tell lies to attack me “someone is acting like a slut today” when no one is acting like a slut. Properly dressed properly talking proper topics no touch no nothing how can be called acting like a slut? You Cantonese convict scammer prostitute descendant sure like to suck Angmoh cock and Indian nipples. Pui!


A very kind lady that allowed gansiokbin to continue work in sfc for several years despite gansiokbins' slutty behaviour at work.
When i first joined, Kt latha was forced to apologize to me by my ex boss - not LJ McCully but the one before him - because she is the reason why 3 or 4 finance managers recruited to clear shit left. According to my ex boss then she knows what she did and he will fire him if she does not apologize to me. She should have been fired.


Kt latha is empress dowager in Singapore flying college with a bad heart bullying a finance manager that had bad acid reflux attacks by ordering spicy Indian food for all office buffet. Sidelined me with LJ McCully endorsement on the bufffet.
And the previous hr manager that nannied kt latha left so I am left with only one friend in office while the rest - including my own staff - seeing how kt latha getting power with LJ McCully blessing kept distance from me.


KT Latha is definitely much more competent than a lying accountant
Kt latha is incompetent hr manager that didn’t check the Cantonese accountant resume hiding big gaps in employment and when I called up her ex company - after she was hired and was idling playing Facebook games in the first three months while complaining too much work - her ex company said she sabotaged the company in some way. Obviously the previous hr manager before kt latha is right that kt latha is not qualified and that’s what he told me.


So easy for criminal bully like kt latha to do evil because so many dogs like to suck her nipples and the victim of her sexual harassment has been bullied so many years while the criminal bully kt latha enjoy life for so many years and can continue being empress dowager. People that endorsed and participated in such vicious bullying of me are not qualified to cry pap ceca bully them. May they and their descendants by pap ceca be bullied forever just like how I am being bullied by them for years and will be bullied forever until I die.


So easy for criminal bully like kt latha to do evil because so many dogs like to suck her nipples and the victim of her sexual harassment has been bullied so many years while the criminal bully kt latha enjoy life for so many years and can continue being empress dowager. People that endorsed and participated in such vicious bullying of me are not qualified to cry pap ceca bully them. May they and their descendants by pap ceca be bullied forever just like how I am being bullied by them for years and will be bullied forever until I die.
From 2 am to now already got several knocks from above. Stay home got knocks to harass me, go outside got whistles to harass me. Why? Because of Ccb criminal bully kt latha and lj McCully that endorsed bullying that started this slut shit. Both should go to hell. Pui!