KNN, so it means no more Nuclear threat from Bloodymir Putin for the time being. What a letdown?Rail is back in service
KNN, so it means no more Nuclear threat from Bloodymir Putin for the time being. What a letdown?Rail is back in service
This is fantastic!Rail is back in service
Think the Russkies want to clear out their stash of Sarmats first.KNN, so it means no more Nuclear threat from Bloodymir Putin for the time being. What a letdown?
I like your sense of humor.
We would have tossed in a couple of grenades through the door. We usually have an unlimited supply of grenades with us when we clear enemy buildings and fortifications.SAF soldiers would have used Hadoken and blast the door and the occupant to heavens nine. What a fucking waste of ammo.
Even heat sensors are useless due to heat and humidity as US soldiers found out when hunting for Abu Sayyaf. In iraq,afghanistan, it works wonders.
driverless truck from chinaWhat happened to the truck driver? Is he with 72 Ukrainian virgins?
They just need to pay and have a waiver. Money speaks.Good job. Was at BKK few weeks back and there were still lot of fucking Russians holidaying having good time with the prostitutes there. Wonder if these arrogant scumbags dodged the draft.
Sarmats must ask Mas Selamat to assist because he was very good at implementing Escape Routes.Think the Russkies want to clear out their stash of Sarmats first.
Imuho Becas it was a training mockup KNNWhat a funny video. The Ukrainian soldier fired so many rounds into the narrow toilet, and the Russian soldier still managed to stumble out alive and kicking.
Luckily, our SAF has invested millions of dollars into high-tech range to ensure our SAF soldiers can shoot properly. Every soldier one shot, one kill!
The bombing of Kiev resumed.Wait till putin see this video. All toilets in Ukraine will be destroyed by next spring. Don't blame him. He has been magnanimous since 2014. Patiently he waited for ukraine to stop bullying ethnic russians but they just cannot stop bombarding donbass and luhasnk region.
Even when soldiers were massing at Ukrainian border, he requested for discussion but was rebuffed.
So its the US that is having the final say and Ukraine will soon see a major onslaught instead of a very restrained military operation. This will result in massive damage in Ukraine and i believe, this time, putin may devcde to go all the way to dnieper or even further if zelensky still refuse to negotiate.