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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

syed putra

Its absolute revolting the things they do to the Russians after the withdrawal from eastern europe. The west and former soviet union members in europe aren't grateful


Its absolute revolting the things they do to the Russians after the withdrawal from eastern europe. The west and former soviet union members in europe aren't grateful

Yes, they should chat with Putin. He is a guy who you can talk to. :cool:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It's shocking that the Russians couldn't even secure such an important bridge. I thought they could, given their 'superpower' status? This is very disappointing indeed. I'm glad that our SAF is more operationally ready than the Russians are.


Old Fart
Ukrainians are fierce lah, attacked an airbase 350km+ inside Russia. A couple of Tu-22m3 backfire bombers are ashes now. Where's Russia's air defence?:biggrin:



The Russkies just need to clear the debris and all should be good.
With the vast explosives, parts of the structures and pillars will already be weakened, especially when there is no support below except the sea. If I were Bloodymir Putin, rather than to waste my time on reconstructing the damaged rail line, I will just Nuke Ukraine (especially Kyiv) rightaway. You show no mercy to me, I will also show no mercy to you. Go Putin Go!

Vladimir Putin - Putin, Putout (The Unofficial Russian Anthem) by Klemen Slakonja:​

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Go Putin Go, Go Nuclear Go!! This is the only way for a quick end to this war.

RUSSIAN DISASTER as Crimea Bridge is DESTROYED in Huge EXPLOSION Cutting Supply Lines to Ukraine:​



This bombing of the bridge is a sabotage act by those anti-Kremlin. The truck carrying the bombs was a Russian truck traveling from Southern Russia to Crimea. The timing of the detonation was also exactly when the fuel train was traversing just above it.

Crimea bridge explosion was 'rightful act of sabotage':​
