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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Just when Tsai-sky is about to steal the limelight… Zelensky asks you not to forget him. So here’s the story: Russia took over this nuclear power plant in Zaporichzia. And someone starts shelling the plant… and below is comedian’s accusation that Russia is now shelling the plant! Lol


They should just totally bombard that Nuclear plant and make the whole northern hemisphere in Europe and Russia radioactive contaminated. Only then, will mankind learns the repercussions of war.


Russia's economy will go kaput within the next 18 months at the latest. The end of Bloodymir Putin is genuinely forthcoming.

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Now that Gorbachev is dead, his ghost will come to haunt Bloodymir Putin and invite him for a coffee session in the Netherworld.


Hamilton Parker's (A Famous Psychic) Predication To The Outcome Of The Ukraine/Russia War:

This war will last between 18 and 24 months with Russia eventually fully withdrawing from Ukraine.

Don't Play Play With His Predictions. In 2021, he'd even correctly predicted the QE2's death towards the end of 2022.

Source: https://www.nspirement.com/2022/04/09/craig-hamilton-parkerspredictions.html

I wish he can predict and let us all know when will be the downfall of Winnie, aka the demise of the CCP?

Probably the video below can shed some clues on this:

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Hamilton Parker's (A Famous Psychic) Predication To The Outcome Of The Ukraine/Russia War:

This war will last between 18 and 24 months with Russia eventually fully withdrawing from Ukraine.

Don't Play Play With His Predictions. In 2021, he'd even correctly predicted the QE2's death towards the end of 2022.

Source: https://www.nspirement.com/2022/04/09/craig-hamilton-parkerspredictions.html

I wish he can predict and let us all know when will be the downfall of Winnie, aka the demise of the CCP?

Probably the video below can shed some clues on this:

So pathetic. You had to resort to shaman and conmen and soothsayers to assuage your butthurt Ukraine is truly fucked.


So pathetic. You had to resort to shaman and conmen and soothsayers to assuage your butthurt Ukraine is truly fucked.
You are an entire fucking bastard idiot. When Russia now has to depend on North Korea's weapons, how long you think can Russia lasts? Russia is already on their knees from the extremely huge losses they are incurring from the sanctions such that they had to resort to blackmail the EU to stop those sanctions before the gas flow will resume. Do you think the EU will give in to their demands? FUCK YOU. The facts are there for all to see. Clearly, Russia is beginning to lose this war henceforth, especially with the continuing supply of more armaments from the US and the EU nations to Ukraine.

Almost everyone would have expected Russia to take over Kyiv within a matter of weeks, but now, already more than 6 months, nothing much have been achieved by Russia. Russia is clearly the loser in this war. You're such a fucking no brain bastard. No wonder you are destined to live forever in Slumland Yishun.

Hmmm......, I wonder if Parker can also predict your last day in this world? That would be nice,.....very nice.
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You are an entire fucking bastard idiot. When Russia now has to depend on North Korea's weapons, how long you think can Russia lasts? Russia is already on their knees from the extremely huge losses they are incurring from the sanctions such that they had to resort to blackmail the EU to stop those sanctions before the gas flow will resume. Do you think the EU will give in to their demands? FUCK YOU. The facts are there for all to see. Clearly, Russia is beginning to lose this war henceforth, especially with the continuing supply of more armaments from the US and the EU nations to Ukraine. You're such a fucking no brain bastard. No wonder you are destined to live forever in Slumland Yishun.

Hmmm......, I wonder if Parker can also predict your last day in this world? That would be nice,.....very nice.
You sound desperate. Losing much land in Ukraine?
And I'm not a faggot, so you desire to FUCK ME won't ever come true.


Alfrescian (Inf)
ukraine has both the strategic and tactical initiatives now with a counter offensive. izium will spell disaster for russia.
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I have a premonition that it will happen to you first before me and most of the time, I'm correct.
Premonition? No need for that as we all know you're a kid.
Most impt is how you will die and where you will end up. As it is, looks like it won't be nice for you.


Old Fart
Slava ukraini!:biggrin:

Putin is finished. The Ukrainians have him on the ropes with a stunning victory in their sights​

Mike Martin
Sun, 11 September 2022 at 4:45 pm·4-min read

Ukrainian troops pose in the recently liberated settlement of Vasylenkove, in the Kharkiv region - TERRITORIAL DEFENCE OF THE UKRAINIAN ARMED FORCES

Ukrainian troops pose in the recently liberated settlement of Vasylenkove, in the Kharkiv region - TERRITORIAL DEFENCE OF THE UKRAINIAN ARMED FORCES

By the time you read this article it will most probably be out of date, such is the speed of the advance of the Ukrainian armed forces.

Most likely the last 72 hours of warfare in Ukraine are going to be studied by generations of future military officers and historians. In summary, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have retaken over 2,500 sq km of Russian-occupied Ukraine.

And they have done this by punching a hole through thinly-guarded Russian front lines east of Kharkiv, and severing the Russian lines of logistics, forcing the withdrawal of large contingents of Russian soldiers from multiple locations, but most importantly Izyum and Kupyansk.

Without these two cities, Russia cannot effectively supply its forces in the north-east or the east of the country, and so further collapses, withdrawals and surrenders of Russian forces are to be expected.

It is likely that the Ukrainians will keep control of what they have gained, equivalent to all of the territory that Russia has gained since April. The Russians are finding it hard to defend, let alone counterattack. They simply don't have the troops, nor the logistics, and their morale - that intangible essential in warfare - has hit a new rock bottom.

In fact, as this article was being written, reports are emerging that the Ukrainians have retaken Donetsk Airport, and are heading for the Black Sea coast—either Mariupol, or Melitopol. It is a quite stunning success.

Ukrainian soldiers in the centre of Kupyansk

Ukrainian soldiers in the centre of Kupyansk

So what does this mean?

For the war, it means that we are seeing the disintegration of Russian forces in Ukraine. They may be able to stabilise their lines temporarily, but we have crossed a point of no return. Russia's forces were previously poorly equipped, supplied and of low morale. To that list you can now add terrified of encirclement.

Some are worried that this will force Putin to use nuclear weapons, but as long as the Ukrainians stay within their borders this is unlikely—for Putin knows it will be the end of him, and potentially of Russia too.

Only a matter of time​

Geographically, the Ukrainians are carving up the Russian forces into small pockets which they will deal with individually. The hardest of those pockets to defeat will be Russian forces in Crimea, but once Ukraine has isolated them by destroying the Kerch bridge that runs between Crimea and Russia, it is only a matter of time.

The Russians are not going to be able to pull this together - we are witnessing an army in rapid decline, it is just a question of the speed at which it declines.

Of course, for Ukraine, this means that they are getting closer to their overall strategic goal: the removal of all Russian forces from the sovereignty territory of Ukraine.

This has been achieved with exceptional skill and bravery on their part, and huge losses of civilians and soldiers, including an estimated 1.5million Ukrainians who have been transferred to Russia. (Luckily they have captured and are capturing thousands of Russian soldiers and so these two groups may well be swapped.)

It has also been done with billions of dollars of weaponry, terabytes of intelligence data, and discrete operational advice from western countries, and especially the US and the UK.

 A car drives past a destroyed armored vehicle in Balakliya, Kharkiv region - JUAN BARRETO/AFP via Getty Images

A car drives past a destroyed armored vehicle in Balakliya, Kharkiv region - JUAN BARRETO/AFP via Getty Images

Despite all of the media focus on whether the Ukrainians are receiving enough, and the right type, of equipment, it is clear that the Ukrainians have been equipped and enabled sufficiently to conduct combined arms manoeuvre over hundreds of kilometres—a particularly logistics intensive type of warfare. The success will remind Western leaders that the weapons, intelligence and advice must continue to flow to allow them to finish the job.

But what does this mean for Russia?

Well, first and foremost it means that Putin could be finished. This has been his war. And it has not only failed, but achieved the opposite of what he said it would: Russia is now ostracised, sanctioned, has unified its enemies, and is about to have its army defeated in the field. This may seem like a good thing but there is only one thing worse than a strong Russia, and that is a weak one.

A weak Russia, with its leader defenestrated, leaves many unknown questions. Could there be a coup? Who takes over after Putin? Does Russia stay whole? What happens to the nuclear weapons — and Russia has over 5,000 of them while all of this is happening?

So while everyone’s eyes are focused on what is happening in Ukraine, I hope someone is thinking about what may be shortly to happen to Russia.

Dr Mike Martin is a War Studies Visiting Fellow at King's College London and author of Why We Fight.



stupid stinkies

didn't putin die of cancer already according to western media?


how many more times will putin have to die for these single digit IQ incestuous inbred chink bastards to grow some brains?

effing slanty pig trotter slurping monkey brain eating wuhan virus spreading morons