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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Peace Maker

What happened? Can someone educate me? AMDK media like CNN and BBC say Ukrainian very Satki already win win win until near Moscow!
CNN & BBC are all pro US & UK writes negatively about Russia. If your next door neighbor going to be armed with a (borrowed) rifle pointing at you soon, what are you going to do?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
What had RUS won?

Destroyed homes n factories, caused thousands loss of RUS lives whom will be sorely needed for its farms n factories, slaughtered thousands of UKR lives equally the same, not to mention Billions $$$ loss in the RUS economy as well as the rebuiding of Syria it helped destroyed in its civil war.

What had RUS won?,,,,,
The hearts of the oppressed Russians in Ukraine. The triumph over the entire western world. The de-US-dollarfication which no cuntry has ever succeeded. Successful testing of all their recently made weapons. The complete liberation of Luhansk and Donetsk which had been under constant bombardment in the last 8 years. The total dismantling of the AZOV extremists. The strengthening of the Russian Rouble and increased oil revenue in the last 4 months. The exposure of US biolabs behind all the viruses that killed millions.


Thank you for your reply Mr. Elrond, as well as your perceptions for the JUSTIFICATION of INVASION into another SOVEREIGN nation by RUS, even after the terrifying world war in the 40s, with UN instituted based upon the Rule of Law to prevent another such conflict, which sadly RUS had ignored, & the immense courage of Ukrainians, merely farmers & workers, fighting against all odds, yet still standing today after months of horror from the presumed MIGHT of RUS, to defend their homeland.

What you wrote is CHILLING, akin to reading off the pages of evil Hitler's book ' Mein Kampf' as well as the pages off the daily Nazi national newspaper in the 1940s - Völkischer Beobachter to JUSTIFY the slaughter & massacre of Humans. May readers who read this thread realizes finally WHO are the real nazis & monsters...

I am only an insignificant nobody. What I write will not change an iota of what others will believe & act upon. Equally so, I am glad you are only one, of just a few. If EVERYONE thinks like you with such justifications as yours, then what hope is there for Civilization & continuance of the Human Race?

To win, is to achieve a prize, that will be held in awe & love not just by one's loved ones, but everyone else, & for a leader - forever remembered for the achievement it brought to them & generations to come, an uplifting of society to greater heights thru peaceful co-existence & prosperity.

But massacres, slaughters of innocents, destruction of lives & livelihoods of both presumed enemy & oneself are NOT achievements. No one wins in wars. Everyone loses, & it becomes a HEAVY responsibility & difficult task for those who remain alive to REBUILD all that foolishness, lust, greed & pride had destroyed.

What had RUS won?....


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Thank you for your reply Mr. Elrond, as well as your perceptions for the JUSTIFICATION of INVASION into another SOVEREIGN nation by RUS, even after the terrifying world war in the 40s, with UN instituted based upon the Rule of Law to prevent another such conflict, which sadly RUS had ignored, & the immense courage of Ukrainians, merely farmers & workers, fighting against all odds, yet still standing today after months of horror from the presumed MIGHT of RUS, to defend their homeland.

What you wrote is CHILLING, akin to reading off the pages of evil Hitler's book ' Mein Kampf' as well as the pages off the daily Nazi national newspaper in the 1940s - Völkischer Beobachter to JUSTIFY the slaughter & massacre of Humans. May readers who read this thread realizes finally WHO are the real nazis & monsters...

I am only an insignificant nobody. What I write will not change an iota of what others will believe & act upon. Equally so, I am glad you are only one, of just a few. If EVERYONE thinks like you with such justifications as yours, then what hope is there for Civilization & continuance of the Human Race?

To win, is to achieve a prize, that will be held in awe & love not just by one's loved ones, but everyone else, & for a leader - forever remembered for the achievement it brought to them & generations to come, an uplifting of society to greater heights thru peaceful co-existence & prosperity.

But massacres, slaughters of innocents, destruction of lives & livelihoods of both presumed enemy & oneself are NOT achievements. No one wins in wars. Everyone loses, & it becomes a HEAVY responsibility & difficult task for those who remain alive to REBUILD all that foolishness, lust, greed & pride had destroyed.

What had RUS won?....
What you wrote is correct… only if everything dished out by the western media is true… which by now we know is a pack of lies. It is a fact of life everyone has selective perception and selective deafness to certain news hence I shall not repeat the whole narrative. We can go on and on about “what about Libya, Yemen, Iraq” etc but I’m way past that. I will only sum up by saying “seek the truth” in passing your judgement.


Thank you for your reply Mr. Elrond, as well as your perceptions for the JUSTIFICATION of INVASION into another SOVEREIGN nation by RUS, even after the terrifying world war in the 40s, with UN instituted based upon the Rule of Law to prevent another such conflict, which sadly RUS had ignored, & the immense courage of Ukrainians, merely farmers & workers, fighting against all odds, yet still standing today after months of horror from the presumed MIGHT of RUS, to defend their homeland.

What you wrote is CHILLING, akin to reading off the pages of evil Hitler's book ' Mein Kampf' as well as the pages off the daily Nazi national newspaper in the 1940s - Völkischer Beobachter to JUSTIFY the slaughter & massacre of Humans. May readers who read this thread realizes finally WHO are the real nazis & monsters...

I am only an insignificant nobody. What I write will not change an iota of what others will believe & act upon. Equally so, I am glad you are only one, of just a few. If EVERYONE thinks like you with such justifications as yours, then what hope is there for Civilization & continuance of the Human Race?

To win, is to achieve a prize, that will be held in awe & love not just by one's loved ones, but everyone else, & for a leader - forever remembered for the achievement it brought to them & generations to come, an uplifting of society to greater heights thru peaceful co-existence & prosperity.

But massacres, slaughters of innocents, destruction of lives & livelihoods of both presumed enemy & oneself are NOT achievements. No one wins in wars. Everyone loses, & it becomes a HEAVY responsibility & difficult task for those who remain alive to REBUILD all that foolishness, lust, greed & pride had destroyed.

What had RUS won?....
Nonsense. Russia and Ukraine are both successor states of the Russian empire. Theirs is a family affair, what rule of law what sovereign states? You have been poisoned by the honeyed lies of the west! What about plebiscite and the rights to self determination of people championed by the same nations after WWII? Double standards much? :mad:

A Singaporean

Thank you for your reply Mr. Elrond, as well as your perceptions for the JUSTIFICATION of INVASION into another SOVEREIGN nation by RUS, even after the terrifying world war in the 40s, with UN instituted based upon the Rule of Law to prevent another such conflict, which sadly RUS had ignored, & the immense courage of Ukrainians, merely farmers & workers, fighting against all odds, yet still standing today after months of horror from the presumed MIGHT of RUS, to defend their homeland.

What you wrote is CHILLING, akin to reading off the pages of evil Hitler's book ' Mein Kampf' as well as the pages off the daily Nazi national newspaper in the 1940s - Völkischer Beobachter to JUSTIFY the slaughter & massacre of Humans. May readers who read this thread realizes finally WHO are the real nazis & monsters...

I am only an insignificant nobody. What I write will not change an iota of what others will believe & act upon. Equally so, I am glad you are only one, of just a few. If EVERYONE thinks like you with such justifications as yours, then what hope is there for Civilization & continuance of the Human Race?

To win, is to achieve a prize, that will be held in awe & love not just by one's loved ones, but everyone else, & for a leader - forever remembered for the achievement it brought to them & generations to come, an uplifting of society to greater heights thru peaceful co-existence & prosperity.

But massacres, slaughters of innocents, destruction of lives & livelihoods of both presumed enemy & oneself are NOT achievements. No one wins in wars. Everyone loses, & it becomes a HEAVY responsibility & difficult task for those who remain alive to REBUILD all that foolishness, lust, greed & pride had destroyed.

What had RUS won?....
Firstly you are correct that you are 'only an insignificant nobody.' Secondly don't fuck with Putin.


Alfrescian (Inf)

29 June 2022

NATO agrees to Sweden and Finland to join​



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
A stark reminder to those who do not believe nazism thrives in Ukraine - that’s as good as admission


Davai! Davai! You have Big Russian Soul!
I am believer in rights to self determination. If people and territories willingly decide to secede or join another nation they should be able to do so. So many in Ukraine wants to join mother Russia come under her protection and put an end to this senseless bloodshed and institutional tyranny by the fascists. The West should not play double standards in a time like this. :mad:


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am believer in rights to self determination. If people and territories willingly decide to secede or join another nation they should be able to do so. So many in Ukraine wants to join mother Russia come under her protection and put an end to this senseless bloodshed and institutional tyranny by the fascists. The West should not play double standards in a time like this. :mad:

many countries don't allow secession. there's no way out when you're in. many people in Ukraine want the war to end, whether they are under Ukraine or Russia rule is not important.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
So Ukraine has lost 80% of their army and are now calling up reservists and women, it seems even teenagers. Twitters are getting flooded with pictures of Ukrainian women in blood titled “Russians killing women and children” but in fact they are the army