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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

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    Votes: 3 14.3%
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    Votes: 18 85.7%

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High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Americans standing up for diversity and against Putin's invasion of Ukraine!!!


syed putra

m&ds were contented to strum guitars and if they qualified they could go unis...but unis teach in English n not m&d. Doubt they could have handled it
It was the non malays who complained malays were strutting their guitars, relac, smoking snd drinking tea under coconut trees while the rest had to slog in NS.


It was the non malays who complained malays were strutting their guitars, relac, smoking snd drinking tea under coconut trees while the rest had to slog in NS.
But that still happens today,,,active combat units are all manned by other races,,,,m&ds get the easy stuff like MT Line, Logistics and in the past,,cooks,,but that has been outsourced


Ukraine seems not ready for a war. if USA stationed some troops in Ukraine, Russia probably will not start the invasion. baffled at USA military withdrawal.

It was reported by NATO secretary general on CNN that IUS intelligence have known about the Russian military build-up for weeks. Seems like the US was anticipating and waiting for this to make Putin and Russia look bad to the world. :wink:



Why did Russia seize the disused Chernobyl nuclear power plant?​

By Will Jackson
Posted 5h ago5 hours ago, updated 3h ago3 hours ago
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Duration: 9 minutes 7 seconds9m

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Brendan Green, from the University of Cincinnati, discusses Russia's seizure of Chernobyl.
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The infamous Chernobyl nuclear power plant in northern Ukraine has reportedly been captured by Russian forces as part of Moscow's invasion of its neighbour.

Key points:​

  • Chernobyl is close to the border with Belarus and directly north of Ukraine's capital Kyiv
  • Russia has made no official statement on its intentions for the Chernobyl site
  • Ukraine's government, anonymous Russian military sources and experts have all posited different explanations to why Moscow captured the facility

The remaining activities around the plant where Europe's worst nuclear disaster occurred in 1986 include nuclear waste management and storage, according to the State Specialized Enterprise Chernobyl NPP.
"Ukraine has informed the IAEA that 'unidentified armed forces' have taken control of all facilities of the State Specialized Enterprise Chornobyl NPP, located within the Exclusion Zone," the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a statement.
"The counterpart added that there had been no casualties nor destruction at the industrial site."
The Chernobyl disaster in then-Soviet Ukraine sent clouds of nuclear material across much of Europe in 1986 after a botched safety test in the fourth reactor of the plant.
Decades later, it became a tourist attraction. About a week before the Russian invasion the Chernobyl zone was shut down for tourists.
Ukraine's government, anonymous Russian military sources and experts have all posited different explanations as to why Russia captured the site, including its value as a threat, as a possible weapon for Ukraine and its location.
LIVE UPDATES: Read our blog for the latest on Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

'A totally pointless attack'​

Moscow has not made any official comment on its intentions with the former power station site.
However, a Russian security source told Reuters that Russia wanted to control the Chernobyl nuclear reactor to signal to NATO not to interfere militarily.
Russian forces massed in the Chernobyl "exclusion zone" in Belarus before crossing into Ukraine, the same source said.
Areal view of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant shows half the building ruined from the explosion

Chernobyl's number four reactor caught fire and exploded in April 1986.(Reuters: YK/AS)
Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to the Ukrainian presidential office, said the seizure of the site was "one of the most serious threats in Europe today".
"It is impossible to say the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is safe after a totally pointless attack by the Russians," he said.

Ukrainian troops in snow camouflage sit on an armoured vehicle in front of an old Soviet-era building.

The Ukrainian military had been conducting tactical exercises near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in recent weeks. (Reuters: Gleb Garanich)

Exclusion zone left border 'unprotected'​

Ukraine's ambassador to the UK, Vadym Prystaiko, said Chernobyl was attacked because it was perceived as a weak spot in Ukraine's defences.
"This zone is not protected because there is radiation, nobody lives there," he said.
"They now came through this particular unprotected part of our borders through the Russian territory."

A statement of Russia's 'military power'​

Julie Bishop, who was Australia's foreign minister when MH17 was shot down over Ukraine, said the capture of Chernobyl was about sending a message to the rest of the world.
"It seems [Putin] is threatening any nation that might seek to support Ukraine," Ms Bishop said.
"The capture of Chernobyl makes no sense unless Putin is trying to warn the world Russia is a nuclear power."
A man standing next to Chernobyl sarcophagus.

The Soviet government built a concrete "sarcophagus" to contain the radiation from the reactor.(Supplied: Eesti Tsernoboli Uhing)

Is Russia protecting it from 'accidents'?​

However, Alexey Muraviev, a national security and strategic expert at Curtin University, said the Russians targeted Chernobyl because it was a strategic asset near the border that they wanted to protect.
"The Russians just want to ensure — and I know it sounds a bit uncomfortably strange when you're talking about an invasion force — that nuclear safeguards are in place and they will not be responsible for any accidents," he said.

Read more as Russian troops enter Ukraine:​

"Also, they won't give the Ukrainians a potential opportunity to blow up the damaged reactor number four, which blew up back in April 1986, as an act of defensive deterrence in the form of contaminating the areas to halt the rapid advance of the Russian military."
Dr Muraviev was also sceptical of Mr Prystaiko's statement that Chernobyl was "not protected" as he said military forces were usually trained to operate in radiation-affected areas.
A map has superimposed red arrows pointing inwards at Ukraine from Russia, Crimea and the sea

Known Russian incursions in Ukraine.(ABC News)

The site is a 'stepping stone to Kyiv'​

John Blaxland, a professor of international security and intelligence studies at ANU's Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, said Chernobyl was likely taken because of its location on the way to Ukraine's capital, Kyiv.
"If you're coming down from the north, from Belarus, but mostly from just in the Russian corner, the border between Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, you're passing through Chernobyl," he said.
"So that's basically the pathway down and this is indicative of where they're going.
"Kyiv is the target it would appear and that's critical.
"If what we're seeing — what Vladimir Putin is saying is substantively supported by his action — that's what we're going to see.
"This is a stepping stone towards Kyiv."
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Duration: 24 seconds24s

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Tanks and military vehicles roll across the Ukraine-Crimea border as troops mobilise.
Malcolm Davis, a senior analyst with the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, agreed that was the most likely reason.
"I think there has to be concern that any heavy fighting in that immediate vicinity could potentially cause a new nuclear disaster," he said.
"But I don't think the Russians sought to control Chernobyl for the sake of controlling Chernobyl — it's more a point of controlling Chernobyl as a key location to support the advance on Kyiv."
Dr Davis added that it didn't make sense for Russia to use Chernobyl as a threat when Moscow already had nuclear weapons.
He said tactical nuclear weapons were a more controlled approach than blowing up a reactor.
"Blowing up a reactor could spew radiation all over Europe, including into Russia," he said.
A shelter construction covers the exploded reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear plant

A so-called "New Safe Confinement" was moved over the old sarcophagus in November 2016.(AP: Efrem Lukatsky)
James Acton, of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace think tank, told Reuters that Russia's capture of Chernobyl was not to protect it from further damage.
He said Ukraine's four active nuclear power plants presented a greater risk than Chernobyl, which sits within a vast "exclusion zone" roughly the size of Luxembourg.
"Obviously an accident within Chernobyl would be a big issue. But precisely because of the exclusion zone, it probably wouldn't impinge on Ukrainian civilians very much," Mr Acton said.
— with wires
Posted 5h ago5 hours ago, updated 3h ago3 hours ago



'Who is ready to fight alongside us? I don't see anyone. Everyone is afraid': Ukraine's Zelensky rages at Nato for leaving his countrymen 'alone' to fight Russia – with fears Kyiv will fall in 96 hours and scores killed on Day 1 of Europe's new war​

The guy forgot he is no longer a stand-up comedian but the leader of a country in real life.
A clown will always be a clown. In the 1st place why go and stir Russia with wanting to join NATO? Now kana “Hum-Dump” by Russia and expect NATO to help?


A clown will always be a clown. In the 1st place why go and stir Russia with wanting to join NATO? Now kana “Hum-Dump” by Russia and expect NATO to help?

He should have shut the fucked up, just like DPP in Taiwan should also shut the fuck up about independence.
Even if you want independence and you think you should be independent, don't provoke a stronger party who does not want you to have independence and who does not think you should be independent. :rolleyes:
Last edited:


by a twist of fate NATO was correctly named
you die your own business......

cheebye biden talk a lot now get the idiot ukraine president into deep shit,
maybe he should tell Putin some jokes from his former job to ease tensions, Jip pai tua kee leow.....:eek:


Every conflict in the world started because AMDK stirs shit. America is already geographically separated from the great Asia+Europe Hinterland yet they can’t sit still. America can poke their nose around some South American cuntries and no one will bother them. In the same token Russia should not try to meddle with Latin America. Respect your enemies’ backyard.

amdk stirring shit began long long ago. among the many objectives of evil amdk , 2 important ones are to ensure non white countries are constantly
in turmoil and remain poor , and to break up country into pieces. with this understanding , it is not hard to see why there is india and
2 pakistan , 2 koreans , Sudan into 2 nations , Czechoslovakia into 2 nations , Namibia and South africa , once there was east and west germany ,
north and south vietman (now united) , Yugoslavia broke into pieces - Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia and
how did israel come into existence ? created by the british ! using military power ,seizing arab land , gave to the rich jew bankers


by a twist of fate NATO was correctly named
you die your own business......

cheebye biden talk a lot now get the idiot ukraine president into deep shit,
maybe he should tell Putin some jokes from his former job to ease tensions

Anybody knows why Putin did not do this between 2017 and 2021 even when tensions were high, but waited until 2022? :unsure:
At least Trump was trying to have dialogues with him, while Biden is too sleepy or arrogant to bother. :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
It was reported by NATO secretary general on CNN that IUS intelligence have known about the Russian military build-up for weeks. Seems like the US was anticipating and waiting for this to make Putin and Russia look bad to the world. :wink:

the USA intelligence was accurate unlike most experts who said no war. Putin wants to achieve his objectives, doesn't give a shit about Russia looking bad to the world. USA and Europe look weak by not militarily responding to Russia invasion of Ukraine.



All Ukrainian border guards protecting a tiny island in the Black Sea from Russian invaders were killed yesterday after refusing to surrender to warmonger Vladimir Putin’s forces and defiantly telling a Kremlin warship: ‘Go f**k yourselves!’.

The small contingent of soldiers, reportedly 13 in number, were posted on Snake Island in the Odessa region near NATO ally Romania and were defending the territory after Moscow launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine early Thursday morning.

In a radio message, the soldiers were told by a sailor on board the vessel: ‘This is Russian military warship. I suggest you lay down your weapons and surrender to avoid bloodshed and needless casualties. Otherwise, you will be bombed.’ However, the Ukrainian troops defiantly refused to give up the territory, and instead replied: 'Go f**k yourselves!’.

More at https://shrtcô.de/NxcLr


the USA intelligence was accurate unlike most experts who said no war. Putin wants to achieve his objectives, doesn't give a shit about Russia looking bad to the world. USA and Europe look weak by not militarily responding to Russia invasion of Ukraine.

Many people don't realize that Putin is not just motivated by ego and power. He is also motivated by his historical idealogy of what Russia and Ukraine represent. It was reported that in 2008, Putin had a dialogue with George W. Bush which went like this :"You know George, Ukraine is not even a country." It should have been quite clear to the Americans and the world by then what Putin had in mind. :wink: