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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Alfrescian (Inf)
Many people don't realize that Putin is not just motivated by ego and power. He is also motivated by his historical idealogy of what Russia and Ukraine represent. It was reported that in 2008, Putin had a dialogue with George W. Bush which went like this :"You know George, Ukraine is not even a country." It should have been quite clear to the Americans and the world by then what Putin had in mind. :wink:

Ukraine has to accept that they will not be free from the clutches of Russia until Putin steps down as leader.


In a radio message, the soldiers were told by a sailor on board the vessel: ‘This is Russian military warship. I suggest you lay down your weapons and surrender to avoid bloodshed and needless casualties. Otherwise, you will be bombed.’ However, the Ukrainian troops defiantly refused to give up the territory, and instead replied: 'Go f**k yourselves!’.
sinkapoore soldiers are better educated and smarter. if happen at tekong island , soldiers would invite invaders for tea and give them a tour of the island.


Ukraine has to accept that they will not be free from the clutches of Russia until Putin steps down as leader.

For all they know, the next Russian leader may be even worse. At least Putin has shown that he is capable of having dialogue. :wink:


Will the Ukraine ambassador to singkieland request political asylum in singkieland ?


Sinkieland should welcum her. :geek:



If there will be no troops and forces from the West (US, UK, EU or NATO), coming to their rescue, I anticipate that the Russians will have a walkover of Ukraine within the next 2 weeks. The Ukrainian forces are simply outnumbered by the Russians. Unfortunately, this scenario is getting more and more likely by each day.

Economic sanctions are not going to do much harm to Putin and his gang. History has shown that Iran, North Korea and Cuba all have sanctions for so many years already, but they are still as capable as ever in their military arsenals procurement.

syed putra

He should have foreseen this from the start. Sleepy Joe had already said that he won't send any forces to Ukraine. Germany has been quite silent all these while. Boris Johnson is only with much hot air talks about helping Ukraine. At best, all these people would only say: "Our prayers are with your people". WTF?

If I were Zelenskyy, I would have agreed to surrender to Russia and let it install a new regime. In this way, there will be much less bloodshed incurred to his own people and soldiers. There is no way for Ukraine alone to win a fight with the Russians with their more modern and sophisticated weaponry.
I don't think you understand. The situation in ukraine is beyond the leaders control. Right wing ukraine nazis are bent on killing russian citizens of Ukraine. Its a civil war.


I don't think you understand. The situation in ukraine is beyond the leaders control. Right wing ukraine nazis are bent on killing russian citizens of Ukraine. Its a civil war.
Not really, Putin's main objective now is Zelenskyy. Putin's aim is to get rid of him and install a puppet regime that is subservient to Kremlin, just like in Beralus. Most of the Russian citizens in Ukraine have already migrated to Eastern Ukraine after 2014. Everyone knows that the term Ukraine Nazis is just an excuse used by Putin for this invasion.


great news , self styled journalist cum strategist cum army general said ukraine war would be over in 2 weeks.
hopefully there is peace on earth after this.


great news , self styled journalist cum strategist cum army general said ukraine war would be over in 2 weeks.
hopefully there is peace on earth after this.
If the Ukrainians fight like the Vietcong...the war will never end unless russkie go back to russkie land


If the Ukrainians fight like the Vietcong...the war will never end unless russkie go back to russkie land
wah lau erh , i am hoping war would end quickly. u meant the self styled journalist cum strategist cum army general missed out this point ? and
gave a rubbish prediction