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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

syed putra


I hope RasPutin really and painfully fucks these ungrateful Ukes because Russia has since the breakup of USSR been supporting their economy.
Eventually Ukrainian govt will be pro Russia and then have a plebiscite to join russia.
And vote putin out as russian voters.


They put muslims at the frontlines to absorb the bullets, just like what SAF will use the malays in the army.
That is wat m&ds are for. But not possible as m&ds don't serve in frontline units. When NS was started, m&ds were exempt. They kpkb n PAP allowed them in. These m&d should have kept their mouths shut



Putin: A couple of words for those who would be tempted to intervene, you will have consequences that you never have had before in your history​

KNN, this fucker talks exactly like the CCP's PLA. All fucking commies behave in the same manner and have the same DNA.

Byebye Penis

Biden was toothless in the press conference last night, he will just protest peacefully.
Only Trump understands Putin.

Russian bombers did well. None got intercepted.
Ukraine lost their Navy and Air strips. Many ammo dumps of ground troops destroyed.
Most Ukrainian power plants will be captured or lost by end of today.

Biden pretty much told the Ukrainians that they will be on their own like Afghans.

syed putra

That is wat m&ds are for. But not possible as m&ds don't serve in frontline units. When NS was started, m&ds were exempt. They kpkb n PAP allowed them in. These m&d should have kept their mouths shut
If PAP had put them in universities and gave them jobs, they would gave kept their mouth shut. Being in the NS better than being unemployed.

syed putra

NATO caused the Russian invasion of Ukraine and, if this escalates, World War III.
NATO should not have allowed the former Soviet states to join NATO.
Would you allow an enemy to encroach closer and closer to your home?
They had a understanding if russia withdraw from east germsny and former doviet states, nato should keave them alone.
Russia kept their part of the deal and withdrew.