From experience, listening to the "experts", no matter how smart they are, is usually wrong, even if eventually the inevitable recovery happens. Just take a look at the current recession and do some research on how few of them actually got it right.
Agreed. Just like any business ventures, nothing is sure bet. If experts could see future, then we will not see Lehman, Barings.. become 'yesterday's news'.
[/QUOTE]You think GY can turn stone into gold? It is a national loss for not hiring GY?[/QUOTE]
No, losing the FT is no national loss. That woman punting with our money would be though.
Putting money in CitiGroup, UBS... are punting?? Warren Buffett, Soros, Jim.. some of the well known investors made their money in times of crisis, uncertainty.. Before they see their money, they have to go thru pain of losing money. The best time to invest is in time like this.
[/QUOTE]Economy always has its up and down. Would you come out singing praises as loud as your condemnation when T makes money ?[/QUOTE]
There are ups and downs even within a recession. The losses during the recent rally already shows T's incompetence.
Nobody knows if current rally is going to stick.. if you are to measure ones' investment in such a short time frame, its a measure of ability of speculation, not ability of investment. However, if T continues to lose money, after more than 2+ years of rally. Then it is incompetence or lack of foresight.
Would your condemnation of T be as loud and as enthusiastic as your defense of them if they lose money?
I am not defensing T. I see T as an investment firm/Org, looking out for long term investment. Afterall, taken together, their track record implies a decent return in investment. Do you agree?
Even US (the greatest country in world, the mother of all investment ideas, home to millions of investment gurus) could tumble and fall into a such financial mess..