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I saw two liberal muslims bought steam fish from non halal Chinese stall


I asked my Muslim friends why they refused to buy vegetarian food from Chinese stall, they told me that vegetarian food from Chinese stall is linked to Buddhism. So it is not halal
Yah, but they'll eat thosai from a Hindu vegetarian stall. Religion makes retards of its believers.


Malaysian Muslims are 'good Muslims', generally. Better than Singaporean Muslims:biggrin:

Your 'good muslim' is coming from an infidel perspective.
A good muslim's mindset, islam is perfect and flawless. The laws of islam cannot be compromised even by 1%. Doing 6 daily prayers is wrong, 5 is right. A good muslim will take the safer side by not buying chendol from an infidel stall, the hands that prepare the chendol might be contaminated with lard.
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