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I saw two liberal muslims bought steam fish from non halal Chinese stall


My Indonesian maid doesn't eat pork, but has no issues handling it when cooking. She eats non-pork dishes at restaurants or hawker centres when out with my family too. Her husband and dad hut and eat wild boar back in Kalimantan as well.

Seems to me some indon treat their belief very lightly. I cant judge them. But they will have to answer to their creator on judgement day. Hopefully they believe in the day of reckoning.:smile:

syed putra

Seems to me some indon treat their belief very lightly. I cant judge them. But they will have to answer to their creator on judgement day. Hopefully they believe in the day of reckoning.:smile:
Eating pork is not a big sin. From what i read its more a health issue. As apart from pork, rotting meat and meat of animals thst died on uknown causes are also forbidden. Plus food offerings to deities.


Eating pork is not a big sin. From what i read its more a health issue. As apart from pork, rotting meat and meat of animals thst died on uknown causes are also forbidden. Plus food offerings to deities.
In Malaysia commando training and selection test, it is commonly known that trainees have to eat whatever they can find in the jungle / plantations, including wild boards and wild animals


Eating pork is not a big sin. From what i read its more a health issue. As apart from pork, rotting meat and meat of animals thst died on uknown causes are also forbidden. Plus food offerings to deities.
Any red meat not well cooked will have health issues. Beef has liver flukes, pork has tapeworms, mutton/lamb has roundworms.

Eat well cooked meat and you'll have no problems.


Eating pork is not a big sin. From what i read its more a health issue. As apart from pork, rotting meat and meat of animals thst died on uknown causes are also forbidden. Plus food offerings to deities.

Why haram? Its a test from Allah swt. Only when in time of emergency when theres no available food. Then haram (pork) become halal. Saving one's life is important in Islam.


Eating pork is not a big sin. From what i read its more a health issue. As apart from pork, rotting meat and meat of animals thst died on uknown causes are also forbidden. Plus food offerings to deities.

You should not encourage malays to eat pork unless you want them to become as intelligent as you. You should tell them not to touch pig or raw pork :thumbsup:


Eating pork is not a big sin. From what i read its more a health issue. As apart from pork, rotting meat and meat of animals thst died on uknown causes are also forbidden. Plus food offerings to deities.
you sound like an enlightened muslim

syed putra

you sound like an enlightened muslim
I distance myself from bring called Muslim. I submit to no religion. The deeper I look at these holy text, there was no mention of religion.
It's the system of humans being free from religious irrationality that is promoted in the text. No mention of rituals or requirement for clerics or priests. Zero.


I distance myself from bring called Muslim. I submit to no religion. The deeper I look at these holy text, there was no mention of religion.
It's the system of humans being free from religious irrationality that is promoted in the text. No mention of rituals or requirement for clerics or priests. Zero.

Halal for good muslims to patronage chinese ice kachang and chendol stalls?


Halal for good muslims to patronage chinese ice kachang and chendol stalls?
Definitely. Ice kacang and cendol have no lard or pork or meat. In Penang and Melaka, Malays queue up for the famous cendol at Chinese and Peranakan-run stalls..

syed putra

Malaysian Muslims are 'good Muslims', generally. Better than Singaporean Muslims:biggrin:
Muslims put their religion first. Everything after.
I believe statement in holy text says different. Good deeds, truth and justice first. Even if it convicts your brother.


Many muslims refused to food from Chinese vegatarian stalls. They rather prefer to buy steam fish from ambiguous Chinese stall


I asked my Muslim friends why they refused to buy vegetarian food from Chinese stall, they told me that vegetarian food from Chinese stall is linked to Buddhism. So it is not halal