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I saw two liberal muslims bought steam fish from non halal Chinese stall

syed putra

My Indian Muslim colleague loves to eat chicken rice from the Chinese stall near our office even though it is not halal certified, and sells char siew and roast pork as well

my Muslim fren loves Nana chicken and mutton curry despite the stall also sells pork rib curry
I dunno why they do this when you can get to taste pork by having a Chinese gf


This is what I observe but no ill feelings pls

Many food items such as pork are non halal. However pussies from various religions and races are absolutely halal and some even to the extend of raping their own daughters and grand daughters

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Fish is halal. My ex colleague who is a staunch Malay Muslim gentleman told me when he was in HK for biz meetings, ate steamed fish with rice everyday.

Not so for crabs and other types of shellfish.

syed putra

This is what I observe but no ill feelings pls

Many food items such as pork are non halal. However pussies from various religions and races are absolutely halal and some even to the extend of raping their own daughters and grand daughters
Some consider it apprenticeship and. private tutorials. For daughters own good when she grows up

True Believer

99% Indon. I ever seen some Q at bak kwa shop at T1. Heck, they can even marry spouse fm other faith too. For indon, anything goes.
My Indonesian maid doesn't eat pork, but has no issues handling it when cooking. She eats non-pork dishes at restaurants or hawker centres when out with my family too. Her husband and dad hut and eat wild boar back in Kalimantan as well.

True Believer

Fish is halal. My ex colleague who is a staunch Malay Muslim gentleman told me when he was in HK for biz meetings, ate steamed fish with rice everyday. Not so for crabs and other types of shellfish.
Muslims follow Jewish Kosher rules re: seafood i.e. must have fins and scales. Eating shellfish is not permitted.