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Chitchat I feel the earth move.... property crash tumbling down coming soon...


He is a ahneh cheater know shits. No need to feed him info he is stealing ideas from u pretend to act blur...

Go fuck him deep deep shitskin ahneh..
You know nut about economics, interest rates, property prices. Your angmo BE masters still feeding you their spunk. Regurgitate and spew out the same shits. You are propbable hoarding cash now..LOL


This interest rate thing is quite a delicate balance.

If you follow stock markets and economic news generally when interest rates are cut ie brought lower by central banks the stock market responds positively.

Property markets also like it as the cost of mortgages is lower meaning easier to qualify to borrow to buy houses.

Business activity goes up. Again cost to borrow is lower to expand business.

When would central banks raise rates? To combat inflation. Nobody wants inflation to be too high.

In some situations the stock market may respond to a rate hike positively. Because they read that the central bankers are confident in the growth of the economy and are strong enough to raise rates to ward off inflation.

What you dont want is inflation out of control and central banks playing catch up to fight inflation.

In some cases a rate hike is alao good for banks as they earn more from mortgages and other loans. But again it has to be done carefully so as not to derail economic growth either.

These days we will almost never see a big delta when it comes to rate hikes. It is practically suicide. We may see small hikes regularly over the course of time and the final number will be what matters. I also think central bankers are careful nowadays and will balance things better.

With internet and connectivity flow of information is almost instantaneous.

But then again who knows? The markets are controlled indeed. But I dont see why they would manipulate by overnight increasing rates to 5%-10% and cause the global economy to collapse. Who does it benefit?
you obviously have not heard about the yield curve.


Super Moderator
Staff member
you obviously have not heard about the yield curve.
Yield curves are for bonds. Yes I know what they are.

Have you been betting on bonds lately?

To be honest i dont invest in bonds find that there are too many moving parts. Bond yields go up? Bond prices come down. Inflatuon goes up eats into bond yields. I not smart enough to think so many things. And bonds got set time frames. You choose the length of the bond. Complicated.

If you are successful bond trader i take my hat off to you!
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If they never do debt deferment now up lorry liao. This year banks open book will see how many bankruptcy and unable to pay.


Dun keep thinking fed will not hike rates. Now their inflation getting out of hand. Soon if they hike alot of sinkies will die cock stand.


Go in now you die cock standing....

Painting was on the walls 3 years ago.... just a matter of when now.

At the start of pandemic those current projects has to continue, but new developments plans on the table freezes as the banks stop lending. When all current projects near completion the construction industry will collapse with no new developments...

Property is all about financing debts and banks stopped lending crash coming.

many ppl failed to understand. thinking things are rosy when issues are being masked by deferment of debts. when banks start to chase money this year dunno how many will bankrupt. last i heard was 20 billions from banks. even hdb also 3200 familes deferring loans.

    OCT 6, 2020, 10:16 PM SGT

SINGAPORE - About 90 per cent of the 38,900 applications received by banks to defer property loan repayments were approved as at end-August, revealed Senior Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam in a written answer to MP Murali Pillai (Bukit Batok) in Parliament on Tuesday (Oct 6).
Of the approved applications, close to three-quarters, or about 26,000, were for individuals seeking to defer their residential property loans.
This amounted to almost $20 billion of deferments, said SM Tharman.


Will get suck in once the building construction industry get hit badly.... no mercy...

How can this covid goes away like magic... it's bleeding the world economy.

There is this best time of the century to boom the world economy from 2000 to 2016 for a good reason. Not for me to say... only experts can say..

But can say in yr 2000 was the opening up of unsecured bank loan instrument MTN 4 year financial game which leads to LOC to finance loans for residential investment properties for commoners.

Then after 2016 it is going to crash the world economy..... they haven't figure out how to crash the economy worldwide yet to stop residential building construction from booming. Now it is happening, Game over.

Now this LOC become unlucrative financial instrument for lenders and is time to crash it is now.

Those who sold the residential buildings now is safe from drowning.

When that HK tycoon sold his HK properties 2 years ago he must had known the 三宝殿, the 3 major movers and shakers, plans.

The Happy days are over...

This Covid was planned to halt world economy booming.

Furthermore, this Covid game is to stop negative interest rate from happening. Banks are bleeding now, and if negative interest rate shows up the world economy is finished.

many sinkies snapping condos now. u mean they are wrong?


This interest rate thing is quite a delicate balance.

If you follow stock markets and economic news generally when interest rates are cut ie brought lower by central banks the stock market responds positively.

Property markets also like it as the cost of mortgages is lower meaning easier to qualify to borrow to buy houses.

Business activity goes up. Again cost to borrow is lower to expand business.

When would central banks raise rates? To combat inflation. Nobody wants inflation to be too high.

In some situations the stock market may respond to a rate hike positively. Because they read that the central bankers are confident in the growth of the economy and are strong enough to raise rates to ward off inflation.

What you dont want is inflation out of control and central banks playing catch up to fight inflation.

In some cases a rate hike is alao good for banks as they earn more from mortgages and other loans. But again it has to be done carefully so as not to derail economic growth either.

These days we will almost never see a big delta when it comes to rate hikes. It is practically suicide. We may see small hikes regularly over the course of time and the final number will be what matters. I also think central bankers are careful nowadays and will balance things better.

With internet and connectivity flow of information is almost instantaneous.

But then again who knows? The markets are controlled indeed. But I dont see why they would manipulate by overnight increasing rates to 5%-10% and cause the global economy to collapse. Who does it benefit?

u see this fed powell guy non economist anyhow print until usa amdk inflation 4.2% unofficial could be even higher.


Yield curves are for bonds. Yes I know what they are.

Have you been betting on bonds lately?

To be honest i dont invest in bonds find that there are too many moving parts. Bond yields go up? Bond prices come down. Inflatuon goes up eats into bond yields. I not smart enough to think so many things. And bonds got set time frames. You choose the length of the bond. Complicated.

If you are successful bond trader i take my hat off to you!
so you say a yield curve is for bonds alone, and not for bank interests rates, loans, mortgage, property market?

a yield curve is actually the term structure of interest where everything is priced.

Now I know what nonsense you 2 clowns are trying say.


U get screws by economic... nuts about interest rate and dumbtwit when come to property.

You know nut about economics, interest rates, property prices. Your angmo BE masters still feeding you their spunk. Regurgitate and spew out the same shits. You are propbable hoarding cash now..LOL


U are just a hedge fund small fly.... UPO...

so you say a yield curve is for bonds alone, and not for bank interests rates, loans, mortgage, property market?

a yield curve is actually the term structure of interest where everything is priced.

Now I know what nonsense you 2 clowns are trying say.


Yah lah u are a champ.

Has been following yr threads see u poon pe pe like as if the finance world is collapsing.

Unless u are one of the movers and shakers maybe u get my attention in the near future...

i think powell,heng,tharman (dick diversity) have been feeding you their spunk, sometimes it's good to spit it out.


so you say a yield curve is for bonds alone, and not for bank interests rates, loans, mortgage, property market?

a yield curve is actually the term structure of interest where everything is priced.

Now I know what nonsense you 2 clowns are trying say.
Ust 10 years is link to fed fund rates


Super Moderator
Staff member
so you say a yield curve is for bonds alone, and not for bank interests rates, loans, mortgage, property market?

a yield curve is actually the term structure of interest where everything is priced.

Now I know what nonsense you 2 clowns are trying say.
As per my very limited knowledge about yield curves yes i only know of the application to bonds.

I do not know how it is used as a leading indicator for other instruments and derivatives.

So yoi are of the opinion that if the central banks raised interest rates then the economy will boom?

I have very limited financial knowledge thats why i am still poor and plan to work till I die. I accept it when you say i am a clown.


The trend now is hdb prices rising and condos especially private codos in ulu area dropped.
Due to more ppl buying resale hdb than resale condos. Cheaper and less worries due to current situation.
Actually now is good time to buy condos and cars in Singapore.


Sinkies all chionging to buy condos now.
But if retrenchment set in then will have difficulty to downgrade.