Why is a few = zero? If i wanted to make it up i would have created a more belivable story of fighting some punks. Anyway a coward like you wouldn't even dare look at a police officer in the eyes cos even online you need a clone before you have the balls to bark at me.
lol dumbfuck paikia wannabe, clone your laubu lah clone what clone? why you so obsessed with clone? must be because you have been living your whole fantasy life behind the keyboard right? hahah
dont bullshit lah, keep making up stories of how big your balls are, when in real life you are nothing but a coward piece of shit, the more you talk the more stupid you sound, hahaha, who will believe a paikia wannabe that spends all his time in here asking stupid questions about paikias because you worship them like heroes, fucking boliao lah you.
another confirmation you are a gutless wimp and a classless motherfucker for calling a boxer ballsless, who the fuck ever calls a boxer ballsless?! do you know how ridiculous that sounds?? only an untrained piece of shit like you will make a retarded statement like that because you are so desperate to win an argument. fyi, boxers put the B in balls understand? you just made a complete fool of yourself, you fucking pussy wanker! but of course you wont know what real balls are because you dont have any in the first place right? lol.
hey fucktard want to argue at least argue logically, you keep exposing your stupidity again and again. my advice to you, dont talk about fighting lah, you know nuts about fighting, you are nothing but a disgrace, a total fuckup with a pussy in between your legs, chow akua
, maybe you should get some balls implants first before you open your mouth
just keep your bullshits cumming if you want more assfucking and experience more anal orgasms, lol, dont worry i have all the time in the world for you, you sissy boy, its been a long time since i last assfuck an asshole and you are up for it, you have no idea who you messing with, want me to stalk you in every single post of yours? lol, btw, i put the S in stalking understand?? and also the A in assfucking morons like you