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You have misapplied the thoughts of Orwell.
Pardon my ignorance, I am only superficially acquainted with the novel, hence the literal interpretation.
You have misapplied the thoughts of Orwell.
I have been writing a lot on HDB policies and the ills of it recently basically because I am keeping up the pressure on the Minister of National Development to do something about it.
May i ask, what will you do since you know what the hell is wrong? I mean knowing what is wrong and then take actions to change it, is totally different thing.
By the way, taking action to do it, you got to have balls, do you have any?
Let's be fair to him.
Until he get minister's million dollar salary, ask him the question again.
The ones getting the millions can't even be bothered.
HAving balls is not about being fair.. It is about being a real man and a human.
If he isn't man enough to take action, why waste time talking so much? Just to show off and make an egoistic appearance?
I understand sinkie too well.. If he is half as courageous as Dr Chee, he might have earned some respect.
i am not doing advetising for Dr Chee, i am only stating the logic.
If The Goh sinkie wanna get things done, the whole logical equation is knowing the problem and then take action to solve it. Most sinkie just know it, talk talk talk , then stop there... (as for goh, he takes the step further to put himself on a preztel stand and SMILE...)
When they turn off their PC, get out of their house and then bend down for the PAP govt to screw.
Then in the first place, dun waste time knowing it since he dun have the balls to take action. That gives him the image of a sinkie coward loser.
There are only that many people willing to stand as opposition candidates, it doesn't do any good if they all behind bars.
That is the exact reason that the sinkie govt put them behind bars, the more they should take action and against it. But hard to say, the whole goddamn population of sinkieland are just unable to gather enough balls for this sort of thing.
They only care about themselves rather than doing what is right if they want so badly.'
Behind bars is just a ruse to escalate the fear, it is nothing at all. Anyway, if Goh wants to earn some support, he better take some actions to make him look different from the rest of the sinkie losers here.
Or else, he is just someone dying to be in the limelight and wanna looking good without doing anything (like taking action beside doing research. )
May i ask, what will you do since you know what the hell is wrong? I mean knowing what is wrong and then take actions to change it, is totally different thing.
By the way, taking action to do it, you got to have balls, do you have any?
Behind bars is just a ruse to escalate the fear, it is nothing at all. Anyway, if Goh wants to earn some support, he better take some actions to make him look different from the rest of the sinkie losers here.
CB kia tonychat,
you are an ex-convict... going to jail means free food and lodging for u... a luxury which you can ill afford in the outside world..![]()
The PAP is making use of you to correct their fault. And you play by it. The whole thing that you write still shows that you are a coward who dare not revolt them out. Sorry man, they way you do things doesn't earn me any respect from it.
I know sinkies too well.. THey can talk and talk and all excuses... IN the end, they hope that others will just take the blame and you just sit in one corner feeling relieve that you are not the one who is in trouble.
Give me a break...
Do you know anything about revolution at all? In Singapore? There are a set of pre-requisites for revolution to happen... put it this way, Singaporeans are not even ready to go for street protests and you are talking about revolution?
There is nothing wrong in making Singapore a better place for everyone.
Goh Meng Seng
I feel the mis-representation of the HDB room numbers gave Singaporeans a false sense of social advancements when they introduced gradation (like 4-rm/5-rm, HDB) that was essentially the same tier by private property convention.
The Singaporean human battery.
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I applaud what Dr Chee stands for and what he is willing to do for what he believes in.
But the point in politics is to get elected.
Many Singaporeans are not yet ready for Dr Chee's methods despite his good intentions.
Until the day Singaporeans think like South Africans, Dr Chee can be the next Nelson Mandela.
Hi Tony Chat,
What have I done?
The basis of democracy is about political contests and competition to get the better deal out of the government. In our context, the root of the problem lies with the monopoly of power. We have to get rid of the monopoly of power first before other kinds of lobby by NGOs could be effective.
This is the problem with the oppos and many sinkies in general. THERE IS NO DEMOCRACY in S'pore. There is a facade of democracy, but real democracy does not exist. U are therefore labouring under the wrong pretense. By your statement above about a monopoly of power, well, that is just another word for dictatorship
For example, why should an authoritarian government care of your street protests and such if the majority of the people are living in a bearable conditions and the ruling party is not in a danger of losing power any faster?
If your street protests could not be translated into winning seats in parliament and threatening the ruling party in losing their votes, could it be effective? Worse, if your protests are being painted black and puts off the majority of voters, would it really serve any purpose at all? This is in Singapore's context.
If we could use an alternative way to raise the issues in a reasonable manner, putting reasons into the heads of Singaporeans and builds up the pressure of the government to correct its past inadequacies and at the same time put forward the idea that a balance of power within the parliamentary system is desirable because not all human beings in ruling party are all saints, would it be more effective in contributing to the democratic development of Singapore? This again, is in Singapore's context.
U are living in a pipedream here. Do u really think any reasonable action can put pressure on the govt. to correct their mistakes? This is a govt. that has never admitted to any in the past. They cannot change. They are so dirty with so many skeletons in the closets that they cannot afford to be voted out. They will act liek what every other dictatorship does when faced with strong pressure. Just look at IRAN.
I have played in coordination with activists in TOC to put pressures on the PAP in this aspect, the housing issue. We have managed to win with reasons over the unreasonable senseless management of the government in this issue. In the end, we managed to get those homeless campers at Sembawang Park a roof over their top. If we utilize the Civil Disobedience methodology, the results may be less effective.
By what critieria do you think civil disobedience is ineffective? Mahatma Gandhi will disagree with u. Helping a few homeless campers may be nice to you, but it serves little purpose in the overall goal, which is to change the political landscape of singapore. If you got all these homeless campers, and their supporters and relatives, and march them down to protest in front of a govt. agency, and use sms and other technology to publicise this protest and get more people to attend it, than, maybe u have accomplished something. What is the worse that the PAP can do? Throw these homeless people into jail? Is that a bad thing? They get a roof over their head and 3 sq. meals a day
I have been going around to sell this message, PAP's HDB policy is totally flawed. Be it on the net or in the markets of HDB heartlands. Selling this idea do not need Street Protests. Bring the logic to the heatlanders with simple illustrations within a minute talk while selling our newspaper. It must sound logical, reasonable and convincing. And translate this into winning the votes against the ruling party.
Again, u are dillusional. U can win all the votes u want against the PAP. The bottom line is that the oppo can win 20 seats, but the PAP will fix them. There were already allegations of voter fraud at the last election, coupled with the fact that there is no independent observers at the elections. I believe the oppos really won more seats than they did in the last election. But really with the control of the press and control of the voting process, we will never know. Do not fool yourself, the PAP will never alow more than a few nominal oppo seats in PArliament.
The singular FEAR of PAP in losing seats itself will SPUR them to work harder for Singaporeans. I believe that Mah BT will be making drastic changes to HDB rules in the coming budget debate. He knows very well that I am contesting against his team in Tampines focusing on his HDB policies. He has tried very hard for the last two months to defend his HDB policies with "affordability" reasoning which has been totally demolished by me here. If he doesn't react accordingly, I would be even more happy to continue my taunting.
They don't fear losing seats because they havethe whole thing rigged.
You may think writing is useless but in history, it has been proven again and again that the pen is mightier than the guns. If one could coordinate his strategy properly with various aspects and adapting to the situation that we have in Singapore, there will be fruitful advancement for democracy in time to come. This is the SOFT POWER that will bring change to the Nation.
Goh Meng Seng