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Serious Good Minister Shan Explains To Cheapskate Sinkies That ICA Officers Working Their Guts Out! Stop Trying To Buy Cheap At JB!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Shanmugam has the audacity to claim that ICA officers are overworked and the counters are under manned

Whose fault is it that ICA does not have enough officers and they are overworked and that Singaporeans and visitors are inconvenienced? Does Shanmugam not know that it is the Minister's and Commissioner's responsibility to ensure that ICA checkpoints are adequately manned and ICA officers are not overworked?

Vote out Shanmugam

I thought it was reported that the ICA had their budget outlay increased by another $200 million. How come still under-staffed or is it under-paid?:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Oh yes for a tiny island city state, save for the under-staffed ICA, we have an over-paid and bloated civil service and government.:biggrin:

When they are pressed to implement minimum wages for the workers...they give, 10,001 excuses...but they themselves INSIST THAT THEY SALARIES ARE BENCHMARK TO THE TOP EARNERS IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR.

In other words, they have minimum wages while you and me...can f@#$$k off.. but the 70% say..."aye"...what a bunch of 'CB's...


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
When they are pressed to implement minimum wages for the workers...they give, 10,001 excuses...but they themselves INSIST THAT THEY SALARIES ARE BENCHMARK TO THE TOP EARNERS IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR.

In other words, they have minimum wages while you and me...can f@#$$k off.. but the 70% say..."aye"...what a bunch of 'CB's...
Sounds legit! :thumbsup:


Alfrescian (Inf)
If Singapore were to merge will Malaysia once again all these border controls could be dispensed with.

Yes, but these border controls will be replaced with racial discrimination. SG will not be allowed to practice meritocracy and will have to abide by the Federal Constitutìon aka Malay First doctrine.

Better to invade Johor, Malacca and Negri Sembilan with a pre-emptive strike similar to Israel's 1967 six day war, though I think Sinkie armed forces will take at least 6 weeks since not as battle hardied as the Jews.


If Singapore were to merge will Malaysia once again all these border controls could be dispensed with.
That’s what I thought back then in 2011 to 2014, but I have since then realised my mistake and changed for the better. Actually border control has nothing to do with merger, we can be like EU with no border control without merging like UK and EU last time.


That’s what I thought back then in 2011 to 2014, but I have since then realised my mistake and changed for the better. Actually border control has nothing to do with merger, we can be like EU with no border control without merging like UK and EU last time.
And UK is the perfect example because Spore can maintain our own currency because most Singaporeans do not want our currency to be pulled down by ringgit.


KNN 山本康 trying to pull a fast one KNN the actual reason should be bad mgt and many officers having their long holiday KNN
You are the ccb Malaysian cuntonese stirring shit telling your ccb lies here. Shanmugan already said only 10% ICA officers on leave. Evil ingrates as usual. Pui!


You are the ccb Malaysian cuntonese stirring shit telling your ccb lies here. Shanmugan already said only 10% ICA officers on leave. Evil ingrates as usual. Pui!
ICA officers got no children meh? No need to take leave during year end school holidays?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Yes, but these border controls will be replaced with racial discrimination. SG will not be allowed to practice meritocracy and will have to abide by the Federal Constitutìon aka Malay First doctrine.

Better to invade Johor, Malacca and Negri Sembilan with a pre-emptive strike similar to Israel's 1967 six day war, though I think Sinkie armed forces will take at least 6 weeks since not as battle hardied as the Jews.

Nothing wrong with the "Malay first" policy after all it is their land that you're living in.


You are the ccb Malaysian cuntonese stirring shit telling your ccb lies here. Shanmugan already said only 10% ICA officers on leave. Evil ingrates as usual. Pui!
KNN you stoopid naive fool 山木cunt say what you believe what KNN even if it's really 10% instead of adding is subtracting with increased traffic KNN no wonder you were terminated for being a naive fool besides being a horny slut KNN


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Nothing wrong with the "Malay first" policy after all it is their land that you're living in.

There's no such thing as 'Malay land' anymore than there is such thing as 'Chink land' or 'keling land'. Land is just land. The m&ds also aren't the first to land in this area. If there is, it should be the orang asli, who don't see themselves as m&ds and the m&ds don't see the orang asli as bumiputera either.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
There are huge jams at the causeway because oppies insist on breaking the law.


SINGAPORE - A Singaporean man's attempt to smuggle 40 live birds through the Woodlands Checkpoint last Friday (Dec 21) was foiled after checkpoint officers heard a strange noise coming from the passenger seat of his car.

The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) said in a Facebook post on Friday (Dec 28) that the 49-year-old man, who was driving a Singapore-registered car, had been directed for further checks by officers that day.

During the checks, ICA officers noticed an unusual noise from the rear passenger seat, where they found two boxes containing 40 live birds.



That’s what I thought back then in 2011 to 2014, but I have since then realised my mistake and changed for the better. Actually border control has nothing to do with merger, we can be like EU with no border control without merging like UK and EU last time.
KNN once a fool forever a fool KNN


Alfrescian (Inf)
That’s what I thought back then in 2011 to 2014, but I have since then realised my mistake and changed for the better. Actually border control has nothing to do with merger, we can be like EU with no border control without merging like UK and EU last time.

Is that the Brexit deal that you have proposed to UK and the EU because I have not read about it?


Alfrescian (Inf)
You pay them millions to listen to this?
If they cannot solve such a simple problem do they deserve to be elected?
Thousands of locals are jobless-why not train them to be part time immigration officers to man the checkpoints during peak hours.
Many of the jobless locals have served NS and chopping passports in airconditioned comfort cannot be more difficult than route march in the hot sun, dawn attack, driving a APC/AFV, backpacking a 81mm or building a pontoon


If anyone has ever been a manager, you will know how EVERYONE with school going children loves to take leave during year end!
days back you're stirring shit for both sides to go to war.... now talking about manager.. school children, holidays.. .... does that mean December is ceasefire. .??