The pt is so what if mao thanked them? It doesn't make the japanese crimes less henious. Doesn't change anything that the japs committed them.
Jah, you can read up on this,
Nanking Massacre and the School Textbook Screening Lawsuit
The debate has been smouldering in Japan for the past 50 years. Japanese history Professor Saburo Ienaga, who has now become for many the living conscience of Japan
At the time, the Nanjing Special Municipality encompassed the walled city and its surrounding 6 counties. According to professor Tokushi Kasahara, the civilian population of the Nanjing walled city was between 400,000 and 500,000, and that of the 6 counties more than 1 million when the Japanese army started its attack.
The international community estimated that approx. 200,000 - 300,000 Chinese were killed, and 20,000 - 100,000 women were raped within 2 - 3 months of continuous Rape and Massacre.
After the war, the International Military Tribunal of the Far East (IMTFE), ran from 1946-48, and had 11 judges from 11 countries who heard testimony from 419 witnesses and 779 written testimonies in 818 open hearings on Japan's World War II activities.
The Tribunal court exhibit estimated approx. " 260,000 were slaughtered " (Source: Document no. 1702, box 134, IMTFE records, court exhibits, 1948). The tribunal verdict : "total number of the civilians and prisoners of war murdered in Nanking and its vicinity during the first 6 weeks of the Japanese occupation was over 200,000. "
Note - the number did NOT include huge number of bodies burned, dumped or buried by the Japanese Army.
In 1946, the chief prosecutor of the Nanjing District Court concluded that 260,000 Chinese had died from the massacre, while a summary report prepared by the head procurator of the same district court placed the number at more than 300,000.
On Jan. 17, 1938 during the first month of massacre when the killing was far from over, a cable message by British reporter Harold Timperley for the Manchester Guardian, "I investigated reported atrocities committed by Japanese army in Nanjing and elsewhere. Verbal accounts (of) reliable eye-witnesses and letters from individuals whose credibility (is) beyond question afford convincing proof ..... (Not) less than three hundred thousand Chinese civilians slaughtered .... ".
At the Nanking War Crimes Tribunal, Japanese Lieutenant General Tani Hisao, the commander of the 6th Division, estimated more than 300,000 victims were massacred.
Hora Tomio, Japanese Professor of History at Waseda University, had investigated the atrocities. His research had shown the same conclusion in his books "The Nanjing incident" and "The great Nanjing massacre".
Another Japanese Honda Katsuichi, a prize winning journalist, also reached the similar conclusion in his publication "The road to Nanjing", "The great Nanjing massacre" and The Nanjing Massacre: A Japanese Journalist Confronts Japan's National Shame.
Japanese Historian Kasahara Tokushi at Tsuru University and author of "The Nanjing Incident" concluded that approx. 200,000 people were massacred in the "Nanjing Special Municipality" area.
Fujiwara Akira, a Professor emeritus at Hitotsubashi University and author of "The Japanese Army in Nanjing" reached a similar conclusion that " nearly 200,000 or even more soldiers and civilians " were slaughtered in the "Nanjing Special Municipality" area.
Many other historians, such as Yoshida Yutaka at the Hitotsubashi University, author of "The Whole Picture of the Nanjing Incident Obliges Us to Recognize the History" and Joshua Fogel at the University of California, in his "Correspondence: How Bad Was the Nanjing Massacre ?", also embrace their research conclusion.
Various different Death Toll figures come up by researchers are simply due to their different definitions used for the time duration ("2" or "3" months) of the massacre and different city boundaries of Nanjing area ("Nanjing walled city" or "Nanjing Special Municipality") in their estimations.
Japanese journalist Masato Kajimoto, in his thesis "The Nanking Atrocities", concluded that
"It is safe to say that today the majority of historians estimate the death toll of the Nanking Atorcities in the range between 200,000 - 300,000 as claimed by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE) or the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal."
Note - the number does NOT include huge number of bodies burned, dumped or buried by the Japanese Army.
The war diary by Paul Scharffenberg, a German diplomat in Nanjing at the time reveals that "The Japanese imposed a news blackout and restricted foreign diplomats' movements in the city" to conceal their Crimes from the international community, the diary discloses.
Therefore, the Western witnesses and diaries could only record a small portion of the actual scope and magnitude of the atrocious Crimes that had been really committed by Japan in Nanjing.
If "3 months" is used as time duration for the continuous massacre , and use the larger "Nanjing Special Municipality" as the city boundary , also include the huge number of bodies burnt , dumped , buried by the Japanese Army to conceal their crimes,
The Nanjing Massacre Death Toll could be more than 300,000.