Thanks chunkyworld for all the information ... Guess we really need to have an open mind
Hey Drifter, we all can't be right all the time, i do make mistake till i do a research on it, China under Mao does have lot of skeleton too but still prefer him over the KMT, at least the country is whole no divided and under foreign control, that will be another subject on another thread.
How is your missy doing, pray that she is fine and well and you too.![]()
I'm definitely not bias at all. That was my pt all along so what if mao thanked them? The fact of the matter is mao was involved in a civil war with GMD His thanking of them was due to the circumstances that allowed him to win. That's all there is to it. It doesn't even prove anything.
I'm saying it's possible that crime are committed by the locals I say many many times it's a controversy issue in Nanking ..until now still they are still debating
Looks like there's too much controversy in nanjing
China under Mao does have lot of skeleton too but still prefer him over the KMT, at least the country is whole no divided and under foreign control, that will be another subject on another thread.
there were wartime reports from Chungking of the Chinese Communist colluding with the Japanese to attack Nationalist troops. Chungking chose to suppress those reports to save face and for the sake of national unity, to expose the Communist would mean open civil war which was not desirable at that time. the Kuomintang government did not want it's people and the outside world to know that they cannot control their Communist.
One of the men in the group of party workers at Sian was from Shantung. He told me the story of the wiping out of Chin Chiyung's forces, which I later found was known to everybody in Chungking.
General Yu Hsueh-chung's twenty thousand troops were being transferred, and a force under another commander was being sent to replace them. Before the new troops had arrived, one of the Communist leaders, Li Fo-cheh, led his troops to attack the Central troops from the south, while the Japanese attacked them from the north. Being hopelessly outnumbered and surrounded, Chin committed suicide rather than surrender, on August 7, 1943.
( by Dr Lin Yutang, Vigil of a nation 1945 )
Chairman Mao Zedong was naturally thankful to the Japanese for the latter never exposed the Chinese Communist war time collusion activities with them.
James McCallum wrote in his diary on January 8, 1938 that he had heard a Chinese refugee testify, “I can prove that the rape, looting and arson were committed by Chinese soldiers, not Japanese soldiers”
James McCallum, one of the 27 Westerners who stayed in Nanjing, wrote in his Family Letter :
"Never have I heard or read of such brutality. Rape: Rape: Rape: We estimate at least 1,000 cases a night and many by day. In case of resistance or anything that seems like disapproval there is a bayonet stab or a bullet. We could write up hundreds of cases a day...."
Chinese women would try to disguise themselves as men, or old women, or don blackface to avoid being gang-raped by Japanese soldiers.
If the same approach is used for the number of Rapes, i.e.
Use "3 months" of continuous Rape , in the larger "Nanjing Special Municipality" as the city boundary , and add the number of girls and women Raped but were too ashame to tell , plus the huge number of girls and women Raped but were killed immediately after the Rape that has been confirmed by many former Japanese soldiers as their common practice to hide their Rape crimes ,
Actual number of girls and women Raped could be more than 100,000 instead of only 20,000.
japan should do the right thing by invading and raping the chinese because that is the only language they understand. After all, the monggolians did this 800 years ago and probably every china man has monggolian blood in his veins. Its time to impregnate japanese blood in chinese veins.
a Chinese American named Iris Chang wrote a book entitled, The Rape of Nanking. It tells about the brutal massacre by the Japanese in Nanking. It became a bestseller in the USA and other countries, and spread the lie of the Nanking Massacre. Later, Chang’s book was much criticized by many other authors. It has been pointed out that what she wrote and the photos in her book were not related to the so-called Nanking Massacre. She shot herself by pistol and died in 2004.
On the day when the Japanese troops entered Nanking, more than 100 press reporters and photographers entered together with them. The press corps were not only from Japan, but also from European and American press organizations, including Reuters and AP. However, none of the press corps reported the occurrence of a massacre of 300,000 people. Paramount News (American newsreels) made films reporting the Japanese occupation in Nanking, but did not report the occurrence of a massacre.
The British newspaper North China Daily News, which was published in China in English on December 24, 1937, eleven days after the Japanese occupation of Nanking, carried a photo taken in Nanking by their photographer. The photo was entitled "Japanese distribute gifts in Nanking." In the photo are Japanese soldiers distributing gifts, and Chinese adults and children receiving the gifts and rejoicing. Is this the scene of a massacre?
japan should do the right thing by invading and raping the chinese because that is the only language they understand. After all, the monggolians did this 800 years ago and probably every china man has monggolian blood in his veins. Its time to impregnate japanese blood in chinese veins.
Look at this. 2 different accounts of the same exact person. Hey it's very easy to dispute the rape of nanjing. Didn't drifter post about an international press that arrived with the japs. Well seriously why have they not published their facts to dispute all of that? In fact it would serve their interests to do that since that would embarrass china in the international eyes. China is the enemy now and a bigger threat while japan is more like the ally and a dog to the westerners. Seriously if the international press was there according to drifter's post how in the hell could iris chang even publish her book the rape of nanking? She would have been discredited.
Go educate Gaijin drifter for the SBF to have an open mind. This topic cannot have open mind for East Asians or East Asian wannabes and the blame game will continue even if the past history was settled diplomatically. Whatever angmoh account, even if it looks or is objective (if it is ever possible in non-technical sciences), will be disputed. NHK, for example, as bad as CCTV, is a propaganda agenciy that will conveniently censor these topics and both agencies have ridiculous budgets to do it. S Korea is no different either. Look at the Fukushima debacle you will know. Early video footage broadcast came from the 30 over american technicians working at Fukushima Daiichi but no Japanese news wants to mention the credits. Everyone thought some goon Japanese took it. Please lah, old Jippun fogey using a video capture on phone? First class censorship continues and it would not really matter what the truth is as the fabricated ones are easier to remember. Truth is stranger than fiction because the truth will never be a coherent whole. Many things happen at the same time and not in the logical sequence best suited for remembering and analyzing. It is better to masturbate a fake perception of the truth than to have a grocery list of items that happened which makes little sense as a whole. East Asia or Northeast Asia has a 3,000-5,000 written history (take your pick as all 3 countries dispute each other's historical roots) legacy to fuck the 3 main country members. It will continue and there is no need to participate in the business of a region that is not ours. It was never a talk about truth but an assertion about prevailling lies. If assertion cannot be done by shouting and words, fists will come in which will not end well and eventually it will escalate to guns and missiles to eliminate whatever dissenting breath that exists. I have seen tendencies among all 3 species in all 3 nations, and even in fist-fights that I stopped, mediated directly or witness, the call for the blood of death is still strong and if any of these 3 species had access to a bigger gun they would use it. I attribute it to their language and historical censorship of information and thought control as the main cause. Anyhow, the show is going to get exciting as everyone else in the world watches.Japanese vets admit on film to Nanjing atrocities
Last Updated: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 | 2:17 PM ET
CBC News
Talk so much for fuck? What generation chink are you? Your ancestor ran away from china, REMEMBER THAT. Don't yaya papaya just because China is up there now.