If the rape of nanking was false we would have heard accounts from the citizens that would have given glowing accounts of the japs according to that japanese pastor who claimed the chinese citizens of nanking welcomed the jap invading army. Take the book the rape of nanking written by iris chang. She is the daughter of immigrants to the US. Now the chinese govt tries to cover up things yes, but iris parents who emigrated from china did not ever claim that it was chinese propaganda nor have i ever heard of such cases of the chinese govt faking the rape of nanking. If the rape of nanking was false why would immigrants from china all follow the same story and claim the rapes committed all those attrocities? Also remember it was stated that the japanese were welcomed as heroes. If that were the case there would be conflicting accounts coming from the chinese side. I have never ever read of any chinese person that has written something like this" my father/grandfather was in nanjing at that time and we welcomed the invading japanese army that helped us fight our own evil army. If the japanese army was indeed such a welcome sight there would have been many chinese accounts that would have surfaced.
Japanese cruelty during ww2 is very well known. Hell they fought in almost the entire pacific theatre. They even bombed pearl harbor. They used kamikazi attacks on US ships. Koreans, filippinos, aussies, brits, americans, gurkhas, chinese, malays etc got to fight the japs and were tortured by them.
Now if the japs were such a liberating force why the hell would they be potrayed as evil by so many ethnic groups. Koreans say japs are cruel, many singaporeans know what the japs did to them, they murdered many ppl in the philippines, they killed aussies, americans and malays and so on. In thailand they got the pows to build that bridge that was the basis of the movie bridge over the river kwai.
In fact if the japs were so welcome and actually played with the chinese citizentry according to that pastor then well these groups of jap soldiers must be totally different from the other jap soliders that were killing and raping ppl all over asia.

Seriously many of you here today should have a father or grandfather or maybe even yourself that experienced the japanese attacks whether it is in sg or elsewhere. You read this link given by drifter
http://www2.biglobe.ne.jp/~remnant/nankingm.htm i wonder if your relatives had the chance to thank the japanese invaders and even received money from them cos according to that link the japs were even giving money to the chinese citizens.

Seriously if that were true then perhaps your relatives were the unlucky ones getting all the bad japanese soliders that murdered and raped ppl while those in nanking were so nice and kind. Seriously this explaination by me already shows how silly that link is.
Then again guys we need to look at both sides of the story. Who knows the stories of the japs raping and killing all manner of races and nationalities across so many countries must be false and was a huge cover up by the filippinos, koreans, chinese, aussies, americans etc all got together to paint the japs as evil invaders when the reality was that the japs were giving the citizens money and the citizens were all thanking the japs and dying to join their army.