Let me smell first, must pass the smell test.
Her rancid vag smells like a dead cat coated with blue cheese. Be careful not to break her slutty hymen, if not all the spiders will crawl out.
Shameless mudlander really can tell lies with no shame. I hope Cambridge o level sue this website and you to bankruptcy. And coward no need to paw leongsam as wise. Fake virgin or not just take the NRIC virginity test challenge. COWARD liar dare not take challenge yet shameless accuse others as fake virgin true slut.
pray tell what is the NRIC virginity test? Revealing one's nric doesn't prove or disprove he/she is a virgin unless the person is like below 11 for a male and maybe 3 for a female since a female can have sex with a male with or without her consent.
I already said and explained many times and you didn't bother to read and now come and talk rubbish. I challenge these bastards insulting me a slut to post their NRIC certified by notary public here and I will go do a virginity test and post the results here. Simple challenge but none of the insulting bastards in the long list dare to take it up. COWARD bastard bullies they are so shameless to still spew lies.
Chow ah ha.suck dog lanjiao.gin your mother
This bastard is semaj2357. Only he used "pruss 1". Your mother wife daughters are chow hai.
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So ugly. Once after Harry Potter she is now a lowly ugly prostitute.
"YANK out all your cheebye mor!"
U mean james2357 or james7532?
Actually, who cares if you are a virgin?